Apr 22, 2009

Nightmares and Black Butterfly

5:25 a.m. I was up an hour earlier. I couldn't work yesterday because I hadn't slept for almost 48 hours and I was having migraines. I planned to sleep the whole morning but I was having nightmares of Trina Etong. Seriously, I was. It's weird.

I think I've mentioned this before. One of the blessings of having Erbe sleeping beside me is that I can easily scoot over his side for comfort every time I have nightmares. It's a far cry from having to call him up to tell him about my nightmare when we were still dating. Embraces and kisses, however, weren't enough to treat me of my Etong nightmares, so I decide to just wake up and work.

Anyway, I went downstairs an hour ago to get a cup of coffee. A really, really huge black butterfly came in from the kitchen door. Creepy, I know.

I'll leave this at that creepy note.

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