The Benefits of Oregano

Oregano (Scientific name: Origanum vulgare) is also known as Wild Marjoram, Mountain Mint, Origanum, Wintersweet and Winter Marjoram.

Hand of Hope: Samuel Alexander Armas

A picture began circulating in November. It should be "The Picture of the Year," or perhaps, "Picture of the Decade." It won't be. In fact, unless you obtained a copy of the paper, you probably will never see it.

Tracey Connelley, Baby P's Evil Mom, Shows NO Remorse

I have never been affected by any story as much as Baby P's story has affected me. Yesterday evening, I found myself sobbing twice! I just can't get over the sheer horror of the story.

Baby P's Murderers -- Why Are They Being Protected?

In my country, it has never happened before that the media and the people have been forbidden to actually reveal the names and faces of TC and SB, the murderers of Baby P.

That Winter The Wind Blows Finale: Did Oh Soo Die?

Over the holy week break, I spent the entire four days just watching the 15 episodes of this Korean show. Yes, I am a self-confessed Korean drama addict. I already have my favorite actors and actresses; albeit, I don’t know their names.

Jun 30, 2009

May Vecina Should Have Paid for Her Crime!

Justice should ALWAYS prevail.

May Vecina was found guilty. In fact, she admits that she did commit the horrendous crime. Her excuse -- no matter how strong she thinks it is -- does not make it okay for her to kill those children! She should pay for her crime.

Why is it that by virtue of being a Filipino, we turn a blind eye to this fact. She killed a child! No, scratch that, she murdered a 7-year-old child!

That is inexcusable.

Death penalty may be too much, but she should still pay for what she did. She may have suffered in the hands of her employers, but she took three lives in return! What she did went beyond demanding an eye for an eye!

Commutation wouldn't have been given if she committed the crime inside the country! She would have spent 20 to 40 years in prison! Nobody would asked for her pardon! We would have crucified her if she committed the crime here.

Double standards is at work here. We raised hell at Daniel Smith and refused to release him for allegedly raping an all-too-willing victim (as Nicole now allegedly admits). Why do we then ask pardon for a woman who admits killing three people? Why not ask pardon for everyone who committed murder inside the country?

Is murder okay then if it is committed overseas? Are we going to treat overseas murderers as hometown heroes then? Are we turning into a nation of hypocrites?

Jun 29, 2009

My Favorite Ellen Moments

This had me laughing like a loon. I do so love Ellen. She's freaking hilarious!

"I love Jesus, but I drink a little!" - The Infamous Gladys

Effing Hilarious!!!

The Proposal

Have you seen “The Proposal” yet? I think it opened big in the United States. In fact, this is Sandra Bullock’s biggest film. No, it won’t win an award for originality – there were too many clichés that will have you exclaiming, “Aw, c’mon!”

Overall, though, it’s a feel-good film. It had me giggling from start to finish. No, scratch that, the ending was a bit ho-hum. The film though – tooted as a romantic comedy – fairly pulls out all the stops. It was a bit “The Devil Wears Prada” at the start with Margaret Tate’s, played by Sandra Bullock, minions scrambling to get out of her way. The build-up was significantly prolonged, but you wouldn’t mind because you’d be giggling over the character’s antics.

It’s a film worth watching.

Jun 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Darling!

Jun 27, 2009


I swore I wouldn't jumped on the bandwagon and blog about Michael Jackson. I refused to feel ridiculously affected by his passing - unfortunately, I am.

I grew up listening to Ate Let obsessing over him. She loved MJ so much. She practically thought the sun sets and rises on his ass. By the time I was seven, I already knew who he was. I was fascinated with his Moonwalk and his dancing.

The next person I met obsessed with MJ was my perpetual seatmate in grade school and high school, Mark Yap. He was obsessed with Michael Jackson. He knew all his songs and he could dance like MJ.

When we were in second year high school, Mark was asked to perform ala MJ in one of our school's programs. I was assigned to make his costume. I spent the whole night creating his costume which to my dismay - and Mark's humiliation -- all fell out while he was dancing. Fortunately, he was able to finish his performance.

Anyway, I refuse to be affected by Michael Jackson's death; although I must admit I was rooting for him to make a successful comeback. He should have had that last performance. He should have been able to leave a last piece of good memory that people would remember him by - something that would overshadow the darkness surrounding his personal life. He shouldn't have died thinking that people would remember him as "wacko jacko".

Needless to say, I am affected. Damn it.

I just visited and practically every torrent on the homepage has something to do with Michael Jackson. The comments made me feel all choked up.

I said, "Suya man! Nahihibi na lugod ako! Garo ako atot!"
Paige heard me and asked, "Hibi ka mama?"
I nodded, "iyo po."
Paige continued, "Garo ka atot mama?"
The question caught me off guard and so I started laughing while tears continued to pour from my eyes. It was one of those silly moments - moments that make life truly worthwhile.

Now playing: Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone

Jun 24, 2009

10 Things He Likes about Me Gone Awry

Earlier this evening, I was irked really pissed. I was fuming mad, and I was spouting curses and blasphemies one after another.

You see, I asked Erbe to tell me the 10 things he likes about me. (Okay, cue in, Heath Ledger singing Can't Take My Eyes Off You.) Anyway, he couldn't answer the freaking question. He was really struggling!

At first I was amused, but when he said, "matibay ka kaya mag-computer", I started to feel irritated. And when he followed this with, "matibay ka mag-surat", I was no longer amused.

I was pissed.

You'd think he was listing my merits as a freaking potential employee! You'd think I was applying for an effing secretarial position.

Anyway, after promptly getting on my high horse (yes, I know I was) and spouting a scathing diatribe, I turned my back on him and refused to speak to him. You'd think he would have heard the warning bells ringing by then! But did he try to make amends? No-oh. What he actually did was opened his mouth and promptly stuck his big foot in it -- he accused me of "nag-ging".

Nagging, my ass! If looks could kill, he would have been happily dining with saints and angels by now. He pissed me off further when he just ignored me (or so I thought he did) and spent minutes fiddling with his mobile phone before he went to sleep.

A couple of hours later (yes, after I finished writing my email to you), I needed to go to the bathroom. All the lights were out outside our room, so I had to use my mobile phone's light. Picking up my phone, I noticed Erbe's message - and what he wrote promptly lifted my mood up. I'll be damned! He has finally learned how to make amends. He said -

"Baba, I can't express my love for you by just giving you a list because this is how I really feel - I love you more than life itself. If I could live my life all over again, I would still choose to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm really sorry for hurting you. I love you so much."

Now, tell me, doesn't that beat any freaking list?! :)

Jun 21, 2009

Father's Day '09

Happy Father's day, ba.
I'm really blessed to have you. You have the gift of making everything easy and bearable.
Paige is blessed to have a devoted, loving, patient father like you.
Thank you for taking care of us.
Labs u much much!
I'm sorry for being such a grumpy-grumpy these days.

Jun 20, 2009

Obsessed Thoughts

Random thoughts...

"My number one consolation is that I know I was "the first" in many things and I will always have that. I'm sure you feel the same satisfaction."
"I wonder when I'll stop watching Boys Over Flowers?"
"Isn't Lee Min Ho (LMH) the cutest ever? Fuck. I'm acting like a 12-year-old. "
"I dreamt of 101602 last night. 'Twas a weird dream."
"Darren Hayes' voice is freaking sexy. I just noticed that."
"I wonder if Yayan really has AH1N1?"
"Sometimes, the only thing left to do is to let go."
"I wonder if we should occupy the room downstairs first?"
"Kris should better come home! After all, we're about to go through a lot of house renovations for her. Hmp!"
"The heat is stifling."
"I really need a loooooooooooooooong break. Freaking exhausted everyday."
"Have to get my hands on that laptop by next month."
"I wonder where X is right now?"
"Is Tin okay? Is she over the asshole?"
"Some people are simply not waste your tears."
"I miss you...I miss talking to you."
"It sucks when you so badly want to call but you can't."
"Que sera sera."
"I had a good cry early this evening. That was a huge stress reliever."
"Has Bobet fired a gun yet?"
"A devoted blog reader from Dubai. I wonder if it's just one of Bessie's many admirers."
"Poor Kuya Germs."
"Erbe sleeps so peacefully. He's really beautiful to look at when he's asleep."

Listening to: Nikki Hassman - Any Lucky Penny

Jun 19, 2009

On a Need to Know Basis

Do you hate it when you don't know how to do something and you have to rely on someone else to do the job for you? It can get so irritating especially if you know you're being duped into paying a large sum of money for the job.

We needed to get a router installed. I was vastly irritated and highly annoyed when the technician charged us P1,700 for the whole setup.

I knew I could get it for less. So, yes, stubborn me I had to bargain. We eventually agreed on P800.00 - that's P900 less than the initial offer. I was still irritated though that the toad tried to dupe me into paying more.

Anyway, this got me into thinking. So, I decided to enroll in a computer repair training program. Of course, this amused Erbe -
as usual. But since I found a scholarship program where I would get P60-a-day allowance on top of free tuition fee, I was able to convince him to train along with me. We start in July. Great, huh?

After that, I am going to learn how to repair cellphones. :)

Listening to: Colbie Caillat - Bubbly

Fruit vs. Prut

Being a Josephian, I am very particular about pronunciation. This is one of the reasons why I hesitated when my mother "semi-enrolled" Paige at a nearby school. I wasn't just sure of what she would learned. I gave in though. I figured she's just two, so what the heck. At least we'd get two hours of reprieve every day.

Anyway, Paige's hobby is to watch countless of cartoons and movies, and her current favorite is Mary Poppins. As one would expect, she is constantly singing the songs in the movie.

"spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down..."
"supercalifragilisticexpialidocious..." (although she can hardly pronounce the darn word)
"let's go fly a kite, up to the highest heights"

This afternoon though while I was eating my breakfast/lunch, I heard Paige singing,

"saging, saging, saging

saging, saging, saging
PRUT (fruit) salad
PRUT salad."

Dismayed is an understatement. I literally panicked. I grabbed her and instructed her on the correct pronunciation. Do you think the teacher would mind though if Paige would correct her? I told Paige to tell her teacher the correct pronunciation is "fruit"? For god sakes!

Listening to: Shooter - Life's a Bitch

Jun 17, 2009

2:16 AM

I'm happy today. Well, I'm always happy; although, I get grumpy from lack of sleep. Anyway, as I was saying, I am happy about several things today:

a. Paige is ready for school! My mother got her into this daycare thingy. I thought that she wasn't ready for it, but she surprised me. She was very attentive. I thought she'd be jumping all over the place., but she wasn't. I'm crossing my fingers though. She might get bored in a week, and she'd give her teacher hell.

b. I finally found the time to buy a new charger. I also got a memory card reader. And I bought them for just P160.00. :) I figured I could chalk it up to free trade instead of bad quality.

c. I discovered oolong tea - and damn, it's fine, fine, fine. I can't convince my sister, however, to drink it. I'm still on a mission though.

d. I'm blessed with work that pays well and that allows me to stay at home. I wonder if the bosses would still allow me to work if I take a 6-month leave by next year. :)

e. My sister told me she and Cori would be home in time for Paige's birthday next month. Crossing my finger for that one. She tends to change her mind in a blink. We're planning to splurge though and go to wherever Mommy wants. She wants to go to Boracay, so sis???

f. I had a day's rest. I was supposed to go to Cabusao today, but I decided not to. Instead, I decided to take a personal day off and watch Boys Over Flowers. again. Yep, I did, so shoot me. I really needed the break.

g. I just love being alive. Who wouldn't? I wouldn't want to miss out on anything Paige decides to do next.

Which reminds me...

Earlier this afternoon, Paige, Erbe and I were at Chowking. Erbe and I were talking about something (I forgot about what now). We were so engrossed about the subject that we ignored Paige shouting at the top of her lungs inside the restaurant.

Oh, I did turn and shushed her, but I failed to pay attention to whatever she was shouting. Anyway, we continued with our conversation while Paige continued to shout. (I know, she's got awful manners. We're trying to curb her embarrassing ways though.)

While laughing over whatever Erbe was saying, I noticed that everyone was staring at us and giggling as well. The waiter mopping the floor was giggling surreptitiously as well. Curious, I glanced around to see what everyone was all smiley-miley about. I turned to Paige again and shushed her again. It was only then that I really heard what she was shouting. And boy, was I embarrassed!

So, what was she shouting?

She was informing everyone that her mother was smelly.
"Bata mo mama!!! Bataun mo!!!"

I took a bath, I swear! I had Davidoff's Cool Water sprayed all over me! But people didn't know that, right? I couldn't very well go from one table to another praying for them to please, "smell me." Needless to say, it was mortifying! It was funny, so I just chalked it up to one of those things that Paige did to embarrass me. I'm counting on her to make me proud though in the future. So, there. :)

Jun 16, 2009

An Open Letter

Hey you,

I'm sorry I haven't been blogging. I know how you get your daily fix from reading my blog. After all, that's what guilty pleasures are for. :)


Boys Over Freaking Flowers

I'm freaking so in-love with Boys Over Flowers. I know, It's embarrassing! (So, lower your eyebrows Mr. X!) I love it though. Yes, Tinay, I have seen the whole thing. Here's the link. Maybe you can give it to Luns as well. Obviously, she loves it too.

The show has all the angst of teenage love. Oh, the angst. That's what we lived for way back then. Does he like me or does he not? Is she into me or is she into him? The drama! Adult love is a bit direct, less drama. You like me, fine. Of course, if there's a neurotic ex-girlfriend, it's another story. Right, Jinx?

The series has all the drama and the angst. It's huge on "butterflies in the stomach" feeling. It's a Romeo and Juliet. It's a Cinderella story. It has all the ingredients, that's why it's such a hit. I'm kinda embarrassed blogging about it, but it's all I have been watching in between work for the past three days! So, yeah. *sigh.

By the way, a shout out to Marlon. Miss u, Bes! Call up!

Erbe 1: Me 1,980,456

Art for me and Erbe is a competition. We like to get into the "Who's the better artist?" argument every time we get the opportunity. It's so stupid sometimes especially since we haven't actually made anything artsy for the last five years except help Paige color her coloring books. We take turns because Paige likes to do her colorings with us.

Anyway, we always kind of get into, "See, my coloring looks better than yours!" argument. We apply concepts of light and shades and all. It can get complicated. It's a bit confusing for Paige who likes to color everything in one shade.

Earlier, Paige was able to convince her papa to color with her. I promptly jumped into bed with them and started to open the pages that I colored. "Hilinga daw.. magayunon baga gibo ko." Erbe was smiling - just smiling. Schmuck. He listened to me boasts while I continued to open pages after pages, all the while showing him how well I did with my coloring. I didn't realize how stupid it was until Erbe responded -

"Magayunon man ang color ni baby! Tibay man kang baby! Tibay man talaga! Sige pa color pa ang baby.. color pa yan!"


Yep, I was stunned.

And then suddenly I burst out laughing.
It was only then that I realized how silly I sounded.


Jun 13, 2009

Ramblings at 3:51 A.M.

It's 3 in the morning. I am still working. In truth, I have been working since one o'clock in the afternoon yesterday. No, I haven't slept yet. I am so freaking sleepy but I am trying to beat the deadline.

I haven't been able to blog. I am sorry if I have failed to write anything. I just don't have the time or energy for it. If I am not thinking about work, I am thinking of sleeping...or yeah, sleeping. I have been obsessed with sleeping. I have to keep this up for another three days, and then I'll have my day of rest. I want to hit the beach so bad.

I'm rambling, I know.

Yesterday evening, mamu and dadi had a huge fight which ended with dadi packing his bag and leaving the house at 2 in the morning. We ran after him, but we were too late. I had to call my sister at 3 in the morning to inform her about the big drama. Anyway, when I woke up yesterday noon, he was back. Oh, well. It's just one of those days. That has never happened before though in my 29 years of existence. Scared the shit out of me.

Earlier, a friend emailed me asking me if I think her boyfriend loves her. How do you answer that? How can you be honest without hurting someone? Anyway, It occurred to me to tell her to just watch, "He's Just Not That Into You." :)

By the way, 101602 (you know who you are), I'm glad N is doing well.

Listening to: Sozzi - Letting Go

Jun 8, 2009


Torturing the Back Lover

Okay, I wasn't planning to write anything because it's Sunday and I swore I'd take a break on Sundays - of course, I'm lying through gritted teeth because I get bored when I am not working or blogging.

Anyway, my cold war with Erbe is over, but I have started to tease him mercilessly over N and her back.

Me: Is it just her back or do you have a thing for people's back?
E: aaahhh...
Me: Do you get awestruck as well if you see Dadi's back? What about Nana Violy? Would you want her to wear backless dress all the time? Perhaps, you'd like that as well?
E: aaahhh...
Me: Do you fancy her?
Me: Are you lying?
E: No!
Me: Do you swear to God?! Even if I die?!
E: Yes!
Me: Hmp! You just want me dead, don't you?! You'd swear your ass to hell if it means I'd die now, wouldn't you!

Anyway, he has some copies of pictures of his friends including N. So, I made a collage of N for him and borrowed his cp to set the picture up as his wallpaper. Unfortunately, I corrupted his memory card. I know it's inane and immature, but I get a kick out of surprising him with pictures of our "objects of discord" in his computer or his mobile phone. Yes, this is not the first time I did this. I got a kick out of his reaction when he opened his pc and he saw his ex smiling back at him. :)

Anyway, I made two pictures for him -

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(I had to do the Perez-Hilton-on-Vanessa-Hudgens-face-smudging trick, so I wouldn't offend N.)

I was laughing so hard while setting up the picture as a wallpaper. He was curious and he grabbed his cp from me. Lo and behold! The woman of his dreams! His reaction was so funny that I couldn't stop laughing yet again. In fact, I was jumping gleefully. Since all his pictures were deleted, he had to take another picture for his cp's wallpaper. Since he couldn't take my picture and Paige is not here with us, he had no other alternative but to take his picture , not Erbe, him!

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P.S. I sound immature, childish, jealous and pathetic, huh? Yeah, I know! But I love me anyway! :)

Jun 7, 2009

I was a Joey Potter

Nowadays, it’s fairly common for girls and boys to have platonic relationships. I grew up in a household with 10 male members. So, I was never at awed with boys.

I grew up watching them burp and smelling their farts on a daily basis. So I basically knew how to deal with them. My sidekick – or as he would argue I was his – was my cousin. I played with three male cousins while growing up, so I have never been intimidated by the male homo sapiens.

Needless to say, it has always been fairly easy for me to build friendships with the opposite sex. I always had male friends.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usMy first male best friend was Marlon.

Balon was my guy best friend in High School. Several girls were crazy about him – and I was his best friend (still am, in fact!). I remember being confronted with this group of girls who were crazy about him.

I remember sitting in front of seven or eight girls who crowded over me and told me that they were having problems with me “flirting with Marlon.”


At that time, I wasn’t yet in a Joey-Potter-mooning-over-Dawson-Leary state that I later was, so I was highly amused.

Balon and I had a good laugh over the whole thing. I still teased him over one of those girls, and his reaction never fails to amuse me.

He was the one I used to go jogging with at 5 o’clock in the morning. He used to come over and sleep over at our house, and my father wouldn’t bat an eyelash. Well, that is, after he understood that we were just really friends.

At first, my father didn’t understand the boy-girl friendship. I remember him scoffing and saying, “Lalaki? Best friend?!” As if I said my best friend was a gay two-headed alien who eats Catholic priests for breakfast.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usRyan, one of my best buddies in College, would usually come over during lunch time for chats.

This usually prompted my father to call me up and mutter, “Yaon na si Intsik.”

He honestly thought Rye was courting me – and he called him “Instik” because as per Daddy’s FYI, Chinese guys do their courting at noon.

I’d usually shout back, “Ta Dadi! Friend ko lang yan si Ryan!!!”

Guy friends have special names for me as well. Marco called me, “Tetet”. A name my closest friends call me, but Dadi was - and still is -- oblivious to this.

One night, the phone kept ringing and this was always followed with Daddy shouting, “Ta mayo ngani digdi, noy, ning Titit! Kasubago ka pa! Makuliton ka!” Poor Kiko. He should have said “Tere” and Dadi would have given me the phone immediately.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usA couple of weeks ago, Bobet came over and he was looking for “Achi” (Chinese for big sister). Daddy recognized Bobet but he didn’t understand that I was Bobet’s achi. He said, “Tere, may naghahanap saimo, si Archie.” :)

Despite all the misunderstanding surrounding male best friends though, having one is pretty neat.

You have someone to listen to you when you are having boyfriend problems. You would definitely get the male opinion from his perspective. Ryan and Bobet were my sounding boards during my P and R days.

You are the only girl who he would let his guard down- well, aside from his wife or girlfriend, of course. This was not the case with Balon though who used to run to me instead of his girlfriend (Tin) when he was having problems. His mother once told him we'd likely end up together. Not happening!

A guy friend is someone who you’d allow to see you while you are wearing a ratty shirt or a pair of shorts. He’s the kind you can call at 2 in the morning without worrying if he’d come or not. You can call him several times a day without worrying that he’d block you or delete you from his list.

Yup, there are a lot of benefits to having guy friends or best friends—just don’t fall in-love with one, like I did. I had countless male friends, but I only fell in-love with one. I discovered way too late that’s the foolproof way to ruin a really good friendship.

P.S. Napansin nindo ang mga nasa pictures puro singkit? I never had a thing for chinitos. Ah-hah! There lies the revelation why I managed to maintain platonic relationships with them. :)

All three are named Marlon. Marlon Martinez, Ryan Marlon Edem and Marlon Olavides. :)

Coloring Barney

I love art. I always have.

When I have migraines – really bad ones – I always try to kill the pain by sketching. I think focusing on drawing helps me forget about the throbbing pain.

Actually, I have always been involved in art. I was a member of the Art Ministry in High School and I spent four years of my College life decorating large and small stages in our university.

Over the years, I have gifted people with their sketched images. Of course, I am very particular about this. I just don’t draw “by request”. Also, I usually give sketches when I have no money for birthday gifts. Like this one I made for Erbe several years ago.

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Nope, I’m not a genius at it. But I love it. The place where I go to when I am sketching, drawing or painting is one of the best places in the world. It’s a peaceful state. It’s almost like dying happily – or like dying while in the throes of orgasm. :)

Over the years, I have forgotten though to grab a piece of paper and a pencil to draw. Life happened and I had – still have – no time to allow myself to get lost in my own little artsy world.

These days though, I have found myself coloring books alongside Paige. No, it’s far from being artsy-stuffy. I am coloring Barney for god sakes. I am also making doodles for Paige, improving Barney’s picture so to speak. I encourage Paige to color Barney red if she wants. After all, anything is possible with art.

These moments though with Paige have revealed a gift to me. I have found out that I can still go to that little artsy world of mine even if I am just putting some clothes on Barney (because the blasted dinosaur is always butt naked). This is a good thing, a really good thing.

Sometimes, I wonder if Paige would have a talent in art. After all, she has this talent genetically covered. Her father received the Artist of the Year Award when he graduated from college, so I am wondering if Paige would inherit the gift. Crossing my fingers for this one.

Jun 6, 2009

Honesty or Stupidity?

Erbe attended a wedding today. I didn't come because - well, I didn't feel like it. It was his college batch mate's wedding. Fortunately, I didn't attend the wedding because it would have been really awkward. Apparently, my ex was the best man.

Anyway, he got home at about 8 o'clock in the evening. There was something about his behavior and his mood that struck me as off. You know how it's like? When you are with someone 24/7 a day, you get to know him or her really, really well. You tend to know when something is bothering him or her. And I knew precisely what was in Erbe's mind, and so I asked, "So, how was the wedding."

I got a nonchalant answer, "Okay man."

And I went in for the kill, "So, who is she? Sisay yan nahiling mong yan na hanggang ngunian iniisip mo pa giraray?"

He said, "mayo man."

I played the c'mon-tell-me-I'm-your-best-friend card and said, "Sige na, ba, share..."

He opened his mouth and dug his grave, "Si N, ba."

Stupid jerk, I thought. But I laughed and said, "Hay naku ba!" After all, I still had to know more, right? So, I continued, "O, ano ta naiisip mo pa?"

He again stupidly opened his mouth and answered, "Naka-backless kaya! Naisip ko na hinihilot ako kato kang pag-intern mi!"

Yup, stupid jerk, honest, but really, really stupid.

"Nagayunan ka?"


"Dai man!"

It was at this point that I reached over and pinched his ear. So, yes, I am not talking to him. I am giving him the Russia-US Treatment.
It's chillingly cold here. :)

What's keeping me from going berserk? I am amused by his honesty.
He's kind of like that. He doesn't lie and it sucks especially if I need him to lie. So, whenever we have to lie about anything, I asked him to "not say anything at all and leave it all up to me." :)

For the meantime, I will leave him sweating, thinking that I am freaking furious at him. It's fun! teeheehee...

Paige Made a Promise

Do you think she can keep her promise? She should! What I asked is entirely reasonable!!! :)

Singing Her Heart Out

I think she's singing a song from Mary Poppins 'coz that's all she watches these days.

Jun 5, 2009

Sassy Paige

Sotted Idiotic Drivers and Chicken Thieves

It was past midnight.

The neighborhood was silent. A few houses here and there had their lights on.
One household, in particular, was still up. Four boys had just unloaded boxes of coolers off a tricycle in front of the house. They left two on the street while they carry the rest inside the lit household. Halfway down the driveway, they heard two motorcycles approaching in full speed.

Suddenly, the motorcycles appeared several yards away. The two drivers were obviously racing. Like a scene from an action movie, one motorcycle went up in the air. Obviously, the driver did not anticipate the bump on the road and he lost control. He held on to his motorcycle and it landed on the street, skidded, crashed the water coolers (which also flew up the air - chickens and all) and the driver ended up in a huge tree in front of the lit house.

He was in a bad mess.

He laid there until help came along. He was in such bad state that it was hard to look at him. He had a crack on his head. He had one eyeball out of its socket.

All this happened yesterday evening. Paige and I were coloring books when we heard the crash. It was also our coolers - and we almost got in trouble for it. Fortunately, the police saw the skid marks and so they couldn't put the blame on the boy's alleged negligence for leaving the coolers on the side of the street.

Several chickens were lost. They flew up the air with the coolers. It was one of those things that I would have loved to capture in film. Dead chickens flying - who would have thought? We recovered a massacred few, but we saw some people carrying fresh and roasted chickens. We just shrugged it off and blamed it on the police who asked us not to recover the chickens. We were afraid to get them, fearing that we'd be charged with "obstruction of justice". Cleaning up the scene of the crime, you know. :)

We just hope the blasted chicken-thieves would like the roasted chickens so bad that they would buy from our stalls from now on.

The moral of the story?
Don't leave coolers with chickens on the side of the street.

Just kidding!

Don't drink and drive of course. :)
Yes, apparently, the drivers were sotted. Idiots.
UPDATE: They said he is in a 50-50 state. I hope he pulls through.

Bastos Ka! Bastos!

Earlier, Erbe was complaining, "Ba, hilingan na ini si nene o, habo na naman magbulos!"

Suddenly, Paige shouted at her papa, "Bastos ka!"

Surprised, Erbe asked, "Tano?"

"Bastos ka!"


That caught my attention. But like Erbe, I had no idea what offended her sensibilities. Erbe answered, "Bastos ka dian! Tano?"

Paige, who was waiting for me to give her a bath and sitting on the bed butt naked (as usual!), said, "i-ling mo pipi ko!"

Erbe's face screwed up in disgust while I started laughing hysterically.

I decided to finally give her a bath, and so I stood up and picked her up.

While going out of the room, she still kept shouting at her papa, "Bastos ka! Bastos! Bad ka! I-ling mo pipi ko! Bastos!"

Erbe, who was highly offended, shocked and disgusted, shouted back, "Bastos saimo!"

The whole thing ended with my laughter trailing off.

Jun 4, 2009

Life's a Bitch and You Know the Rest ... You Die!

Jun 3, 2009

Visiting Cabusao

On top of being so darn busy, I also lost my blogging muse, so I am sorry if my blog fails to amuse.

I do not know if this has happened to you but somebody actually emailed me and complained to me that my blog is a bit tad boring these days. Yes, the person actually used the word "boring". I was asked to -- and I quote --, "spice it up!" It was unexpected, so instead of being offended, I was highly amused. In fact, it made my day. It was flattering in a twisted way. :)

I still giggle every time I'd remember the complain.

Anyway, I still have nothing interesting to say.

Yesterday though, I went with Erbe and Mammy to Cabusao to bring my uncle home. He was getting mightily irritated being stuck here. It was the first time I went back to my "real" hometown after six years of not visiting. After I saw the place and have inhaled the farm-sea-carabao-dung permeated air, a repetitive thought struck me - "Darn, this place looks so small!"

Indeed, everything was small. I used to spend my summers there. I would ride the bike, run on the farm and climb the trees. The whole place looked so big then. The farms were boundless. The trees were giants. To me, the place was our very own neverland where we never really had to grow up!

I don't know what changed in me that I started to see the place differently. Is it the fact that I grew up? Is it the fact that I have seen more? Is it the fact that the world has become scarier and bigger? Whatever the reason was, my view of the place is certainly different. But what didn't change, however, was this feeling of "coming home". It was still there. It still made me want to cry.

Anyway, I visited the places that we used to go to when we were small. They have disappointingly changed as well.

The "breakwater" -- as we used to call it -- where my cousins, sister and I would spend hours just listening to the sea thunders whenever it struck the cemented walls is gone. Oh, there is still that itty bitty part protruding, but there are no waters lapping on the walls.

The "grotto" with steep stairs that we would climb while panting heavily, just so we would be able to see the remarkable view at the top has disappointed me tremendously. There are no majestic views of the seas and the mountains. Just trees and more trees blocking the remarkable view beyond.

Yes, little sis, our "barce" has definitely changed. It's not Neverland anymore. It's definitely time to grow up. :(

So, what was Erbe's reaction to the place?
Well, he kept going on and on about how "deserted" the roads are. He definitely wouldn't give me an inch, always pointing out that Lagonoy has buses and big streets.

Here's a video of our visit:

Now playing:
Sugarland - Already Gone

Jun 1, 2009

New Moon Trailer

Yes, I can definitely die now.
November -- that's like freaking forever!!!