The Benefits of Oregano

Oregano (Scientific name: Origanum vulgare) is also known as Wild Marjoram, Mountain Mint, Origanum, Wintersweet and Winter Marjoram.

Hand of Hope: Samuel Alexander Armas

A picture began circulating in November. It should be "The Picture of the Year," or perhaps, "Picture of the Decade." It won't be. In fact, unless you obtained a copy of the paper, you probably will never see it.

Tracey Connelley, Baby P's Evil Mom, Shows NO Remorse

I have never been affected by any story as much as Baby P's story has affected me. Yesterday evening, I found myself sobbing twice! I just can't get over the sheer horror of the story.

Baby P's Murderers -- Why Are They Being Protected?

In my country, it has never happened before that the media and the people have been forbidden to actually reveal the names and faces of TC and SB, the murderers of Baby P.

That Winter The Wind Blows Finale: Did Oh Soo Die?

Over the holy week break, I spent the entire four days just watching the 15 episodes of this Korean show. Yes, I am a self-confessed Korean drama addict. I already have my favorite actors and actresses; albeit, I don’t know their names.

Oct 22, 2013

7 Years Old Now

My Paige is growing up so fast. I scroll through my old blog entries, and I'm amazed at the difference. It's actually quite amazing. She's 7 years old now. She still likes to sleep next to me. I dread the day she'd want to sleep in her own bed, and I know that it won't be that long before that happens.

Oct 21, 2013

Goodnight Moon

I can't figure out which I like best - the original or this unplugged version. Nevertheless, I love this song.

Oct 18, 2013

Ho Hey

I can't stop singing this song. Jesus.

I love it!

Oct 8, 2013

How to Get Rid of the Pacifier

After 3 years, we've had it with Riley's poop-poop (what she calls her pacifiers). We couldn't get her to stop, so we just went cold turkey.

Oh, we didn't mean it to happen like that, but that's what happened. One night, we couldn't find any of her pacifiers, so she spent the whole night without one...and we forgot to get her a new one the next day, so another night went by without a pacifier. We didn't bother to get a new one after the second night. She kept looking for her pacifiers for several days though until she finally stopped looking. I found a couple in my bag - they're still there.

Everytime she asks me to get her a new one, I lie to her face (I'm a horrible mother, I know). I told her, we've looked everywhere but there's no store selling pacifiers anymore. I can practically hear someone chanting in my head, "liar, liar pants on fire".

But that's how we got rid of Riley's pacifiers.

Now, how do we get her to stop drinking milk from the bottle?

I intended to write a funny post but I'm using my phone for this and my eyelids are partially closed. So, that's the best I can do. It's pathetic, I know. It's 6 am and I haven't slept yet. I'm supposed to wake up at 9 for work. Why am I doing this to myself? Why?

It's those freakin' Korean soaps - I'm addicted to them once again. It's a vicious, vicious cycle. *sigh*

Oct 5, 2013

Don't Grow Up...Just Yet

Oct 3, 2013

Because I Remember I Write

Sometimes, we remember moments when time seemingly stood still.  We all have that – memories that are so vivid that you could practically feel yourself reliving them over and over again every time you remember.  It’s almost like that movie Groundhog Day.  You live through every little detail, the colors, the sounds, the sights, the scents – and most specially “the feel”.  These are memories that have taken roots so deep they’ve embedded themselves into your very soul.  It’s like for that single second in your life, everything stood still. And a second stretched into eternity – and you took your time to take it all in, every little detail from that single event.  While everything and everyone else was in complete repose, you were the only one alive.

Ironically, we are alone in remembering these moments.  Not often will other people remember them too – even if they were there..even if they were the very essence of that singular life-defining experience. 

Earlier, a memory like this popped up – and like all other memories of equal significance, it made me feel melancholic. Thus, I write about it.  Because yes, that’s what I do. I write.

In Love with "The Boss"

It started with Dancing in the Dark and then I started devouring Bruce Springsteen's YouTube videos one after another.

Now, I have developed a huge lady music boner for this legend. I am in love with him and his music.

Oct 2, 2013

Some BS About My Hair

I don't know what's with me and long hair... I can't abide the darn thing for long. I usually ignore my hair, have it in a bun on top of my head until I eventually notice it has grown considerably long - and then I start itching to get it cut. The itch gets so intense that the only relief is to hack everything off - and no, I don't just cut a little inch here and there. I really get it hacked.  Yesterday, it was up to my back until I gave in to the itch and voila!

Unlike other people who regret cutting their hair, I never regret cutting mine. I feel so good every time I do it. It's like I get rid of all my emotional garbage whenever I do this. In a way, I am a cutter - fortunately for me, I don't bleed when I cut. :)