Apr 30, 2006

Ikay, my baby

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I have a baby girl!!!

and she has erbe's nose.. or so i think. We had a 3D pic of her and she has a pretty large nose like her papa.. hehehe..

Lucky for her, she doesn't have the nose of her mama. :)

I am going to name her Paige Francesca.. in honor of my books, the Charm One, and my Inay, whose name was Francisca. Of course, i would not saddle "Francisca" on my baby so I decided to name her Francesca, kinda with more sass.

I want to call her Frankie/Ikay. Her papa would like to call her France or Cheska. I will not budge from this. I don't want to have my daughter being called France! Her papa wouldn't have her be called Ikay. hehehe.. I figured, the Yago family has this way of screwing our names up so I better chose the name for my baby before they do. Like, I am called Tinggay.. So my baby is Ikay! hehehe.. It is better than my little sis' -- Tinay! :)

Although, my friend Tinay, seems to like that name.. I wonder why.

Don't mind me, I am a blubbering idiot, an excited mom.