Jun 16, 2008

Cartoonize Me and Create My Own Avatar

You should really, really check out Befunky.com
It's a lot of fun!
Before they only offer this online tool where you could cartoonize yourself.
Now, they offer this tool that allows you to create your own avatar! It's not like other websites. Befunky allows you to upload your own picture and convert it to your own avatar. So, you have an avatar that looks like you! Great, right?!
I'm not getting paid for this. I just love the site an I want to share it. Hey! You can still cartoonize yourself. You should also check out the warp tool. You can make yourself thinner and leaner with that tool. It's really great!

1 Gorgeous People Said --:

Anonymous said...

Hey Pie,
How are you doing girl? Sorry I have not been around that much...byenan is here e.

Anyway, this is a cool tool.I'll try it out too;)
