Feb 24, 2010

The Ramblings of a Pregnant Woman

I had a weird dream.

I dreamt that I was wearing a pink nightie. 

Interesting, you might say. 

Probably, if I was not wearing it while jogging in front of SM at 3 o'clock in the morning. Albeit, that's weird.  Here's the even weirder part, I was jogging with this guy from that L-ray's TV ad. You know, that guy from "L-Ray 25,000 newly married couple" campaign. That guy with really huge teeth and even bigger gums. Yes, that guy. I was jogging with him. F****ng weird, I know.

Anyway, as the dream progressed, I saw four high school classmates, which is weird since I am not even on speaking terms with two of them. Anyway, they kept giggling which I think is a natural reaction to my "unusual" jogging attire. And then I saw my High School crush.

Now, the effing nightie is making sense.

I approached the Crush and started talking to him.  He opened his mouth and started speaking Italian. By this time, I was already aware of the absurdity of my dream, and I can feel my urinary bladder screaming for help.

I slowly awakened to consciousness and I could hear Erbe talking in his sleep, "Ay masiramun man."

Oh, well, I thought, my husband is having fun in his dream at least.

And then I hurried to the bathroom to relieve my bladder.

That's just about it.  

I haven't been blogging, I am sorry about that.  I am so bored with myself and I am consumed with my pregnancy that I have no room for anything else in my head.  I am literally vomiting 24/7.  Like right now, while writing this, I am struggling not to give in to this incredible urge to rush to the bathroom and vomit what little I have in my stomach.

I am afraid that the baby is not receiving enough nutrients.  I am losing weight which is a good thing if I were not pregnant. Fuck.  I cannot eat more than a few spoons or I'll vomit. I cannot eat anything that doesn't smell or look good to me or I'll vomit. I can't eat anything with oil or I'll vomit.  I cannot eat something more than three times or  I'll vomit it out.  For instance, I do not like the look, smell and taste of eggs. I am short of food options.  On top of that, I am constantly crying over everything! I am an effing crybaby. And people irritate the hell out of me, so I keep ignoring them.

Okay, I'm complaining again. I said I wouldn't and I'll take this all in a stride.  It's just that I'm suffering and the suffering consumes me.

I was not even supposed to be pregnant.  You see, I have severe menstrual irregularity. I thought I couldn't get pregnant.  So, I believe this baby is a miracle.  But if I can have my way, this is going to be the last time I'd get pregnant even if I do Erbe's vasectomy myself. :)

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