Aug 15, 2011

My Love Affair with the Moon

Have you seen the moon tonight? It's a full moon.  It's breathtaking. I think I've once told someone that the easiest way to feel close to anyone you love who is far from from you is to look at the moon.  You see, it doesn't really matter where you are.  If you both look up, you will be looking at the same moon.  Distance doesn't seem so great if you think of it like that.  Of course, the person I was telling this to before was in the same time zone as I was.

Have you ever bathed with moon light streaming down your bathroom window, hitting you with its warmth? It feels good.  No, scratch that - it feels freaking great.  There is something about the moon that I just love.  I'm in love with it.  You can say it's my lover.  I am having an affair with it.  Oh, well, I'm just being a sentimental fool again.  

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