Oct 31, 2011


Lately, I have realized that respect is a necessary ingredient in all kinds of relationships.  You really can't have a relationship with a person you don't respect.  How do you relate to someone you can't respect?  How do you continue to love someone you do not respect?

No, my marriage is not under the rocks.  I'm what you call semi-happy. My husband would call our marriage, however, a marriage of eternal bliss.  I guess it all boils down to what makes an individual happy.  There are things I want and I need.  My issues are wholly my own.  They have nothing to do with my husband who I might say is a saint.  It has nothing to do with the kind of relationship we have.  There are some things I have to work out for myself. If my marriage is semi-happy, that'd be because I am my problem.  Erbe, however, would tell you that we are very, very happy.  The truth is, we are.

I wish I can write something humorous.  But lately, life has not been humorous for me.

I deleted a post - the one I wrote before this.

In case, you didn't read it.  I want you to know that I did create another blog, my online journal.  Something I'd keep to myself. Oh, it's out there. I'm in my most awesome asshole form there.  Bitch of all bitches.  I just want to keep it to myself though. I can be my honest self there.

Meanwhile, I will keep posting on this one.  Just because I can. So, there.

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