Apr 7, 2007

Explaining it to Billy Warhol

I AIM TO DO WHAT IS IMPOSSIBLE simply means, "Hell yeah, I am really stupid."

For a woman who was able to go through law school unscathed, I could be the dumbest ever.

Truth is the title of my blog was coined after I burnt my armpits while I was ironing.

And it was the armpit of my right hand holding the iron.

So, if I am not really stupid its ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to distort my arm to burn my freakin' armpits.

Yeah, trust me it is.

So, I'm sorry to disappoint you if you had fancy notions about how I got the title of my blog.

But, well yeah, I'm all up to wishing that the impossible could happen -- peace on earth. high peso value. super duper multiple orgasms. :)

1 Gorgeous People Said --:

BillyWarhol said...


that is too Funny*

never in my Wildest Wet Dreams would i have guessed that was the raison d'etre fer yer Blog name*


I thought fer sure it would be like me wanting to Get Rich!! I am so envious of that Dude that came up with the Million Dollar Homepage!

so i thought i'd Trump him & go fer a $Billion!!


In all Honesty + Fairness yer Multiple Orgasms hit a soft + tender spot close to my Heart*


Cheers Sweetie!! Billy ;))

U made my Day!!!