May 11, 2009

Daddy's Girl

My mother worked abroad for 16 years. We only saw her every December of every year. For 11 months of 16 years of our lives, my sister and I only had our father to get us through fevers, scratches, broken bones and wounds.

He'd spend hours tugging on my hair whenever I'd have migraines and only the little thugs could soothe my aching head.
He taught us how to pray and how to have an absolute faith in God.
He taught us about respect, loyalty and faith.
He'd give me hugs and cuddles every time I'd wake up from nightmares.
He bought me hundreds of books and encouraged in me the love of reading.
He'd take care of us when we were sick.
He did everything that Mama was supposed to do.

Of course, it never did fill up the void of not having our mother around, but for 16 years - he made us felt loved. So loved that we grew up knowing our worth. My sister and I know how to love deeply because he taught us how.
He is not perfect. He never claims to be.
But he did his best to be a mother and a father to my sister and me.

The only time that I cried during my wedding day was when I finally danced with him - with this song playing.

I'm not a fan of Miley Cyrus, but I cried the first time I heard this song -

And this one is for Jinx, Bimbo, Bessie, Tin and everyone I know who have lost their own papa's. I cannot imagine the kind of grief and pain that you must be going through.

2 Gorgeous People Said --:

-=- jinx -=- said...

it took me days to finally listen to these songs, especially butterfly kisses 'coz papa and i danced to that song, too, when gords and i got married. i should hate you for making me CRY, tere! hehehe. but those were beautiful, beautiful songs...thank you very much.

'tang ina! i miss him so much!

Tinggay said...

I can't imagine, jinx. i just know that it must be devastating.