Dear Tinggay,
First of all, don’t hate your childhood nickname because you’d like it when you’re 29. I know it’s hard to have a bad case of acne, but it’ll pass, so please stop wailing, complaining and pricking!
I know you hate your braces, but you should have thought of that before you spent the P15,000 (that you were supposed to give to your dentist) on a complete set of Judith McNaught and Julie Garwood books.
I know it seems like you’re everyone’s bestfriend and nobody’s girlfriend, but shouldn’t you focus more on your studies than moon over one guy after another?
I have to say that your telephone trick was pretty inventive though. You made your sister's life miserable though with that one. Still your father didn’t even know you had a phone extension for months. Too bad, he just had to make a call at 1 in the morning while you were busily talking to whats-his-name? While we’re at it, shouldn’t you have avoided that boy in the first place? He couldn't stop talking about your best friend!
By the way, your phone history is really something else, missie. The P14,000 bill was no laughing matter. Why did you have to make all those calls to that boy who only broke your heart in the end?
Stop writing letters! Do you really have to write letters to all your freaking crushes? It’s really embarrassing! I swear, you’d regret it when you turn 24 and you’ve met your true love. You had a good choice of first love though. At least, you’ll never regret that, but trust me, you should have thought of taking your friendship a notch higher. You would have been better off as friends. Be sensible! You’re making yourself miserable expecting to get as much as you are giving. It doesn’t work that way. People are different. However, don’t settle. You should never settle because you would find someone better.
And please, study. You can do better than that. I’m telling you, you will regret the fact that you didn’t exert yourself better when you start your board exam review. And geeze, you should learn to appreciate your parents more. They’re bending themselves backward just to give you a good future.
You seem to have a huge chip on your shoulder. Don't worry, you'll be happy. And you'll meet a man who thinks that the sun rises and sets on you. And guess what, you will have a daughter too - just like you. God won't even bother with mixing genes. He'll just get yours and ignore your husband's. She'll be sassy, intelligent and wonderful. So, cheer up!!!
Writing all those journals will pay off. You'll make a pretty good living out of writing.
On an entirely different note:
The picture? Yep, that's me. I think Bessie took it. I think this was taken immediately after I broke up with The-Man-Who-Can't-Be-Named. Interesting, huh? I like this picture though. It's a visual memory. I remember I wasn't that miserable. I was just numb.
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