Being a medical transcriptionist, I have become quite familiar with the difference in pronunciation of brand names of medicines here and the US of A, and I acquired the habit of making fun of the difference. But never really understood the difference until..
one night, after dinner, my mother remembered that she had to take her Lipitor for her hypertension.
Note the difference of the pronunciation:
Pinoy: Li-pi-tOr.
Americans: Li-pi-ter.
My mother then shouted at Daddy who was upstairs to get her "Li-pi-tor!"
I commented that the American doctors pronounced it as "Li-pi-ter." mother quirky that she is shouted,"Daddy! Kuanun mo Li-pi-ter ko!"
Daddy (who was upstairs and has the most atrocious pronunciation in the world) shouted back: "Ano?!"
Mom: "Li-pi-ter ko!"
Daddy: "Ano?! Anong Lipiter?!"
Mom: "Ay inda! Li-pi-tOr ko!"
Daddy: "Aah.."
Understanding dawns finally.
And that’s how it goes.. hehehe.
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