Jun 11, 2006

The lamentations of a hippopotamus

I have lamented quite a bit.. no! a lot about my pregnancy weight. I hate my weight and it doesn't help when your husband is such an insensitive clod.

ADVICE TO PROSPECTIVE HUSBANDS: Do not call your wife chubby when she feels like a freaking hippopotamus!!!

I went to my OB last week and after she subjected me to Leopold maneuver... I sat there and she started writing some stuffs down about my visit and she casually said, "No more vitamins for you."

I was like, "Huh? But why? My baby is developing inside! HELLO?!"

And she said, "Dakulaon na..."

Curious, I asked, "Sisay po?"

She answered, "Kamong duwa!"

And I thought Paige was like a month smaller than her actual age so I kept eating and eating thinking I wasn't eating too much for my baby to grow and now she's practically obese! Geeze!

Earlier, I was in Chowking with Haze and Erbe and as usual, Erbe made some comment about me being, "Malusog", which again irritated the hell out of me, so I began to make scathing remarks about his insensitivity and blame him for my current weight. I am not exaggerating, I am really freaking fat even minus Paige! I feel like a freaking hippopotamus!

Anyways, after I stopped baiting him.. He turned to my headband turned crunchie and commented that I should have gotten something with a butterfly.

I witheringly looked at him and asked, "Ugwa man hippopotamus na may bara-butterfly sa payo?!"

Erbe just sighed about that..

After a while, he joked about being a singer in Aljosh cafe, thinking he could pull Sinatra's bits, and what did I say?

"Ugwa man singer na may agum na hippopotamus na may butterfly sa payo?!"

See? That's how my weight irritates the hell out of me.

And they said I should diet! My motto? "Oh, I'll start tomorrow!"

Screw me.