I was happily eating my burger when I saw the past walk by... And I absentmindedly nodded and it was only afterwards that I realized who I saw after three years (or two...I forgot).
I must admit it was surreal and weird...and something more. It made me remember. But as much as I tried to remember how I felt before, I couldn't. I was so young then.
Now, I am a mom and a wife.
There are some stories that we really need to put behind us.
No matter how much that person in the story mattered.
No matter how much we gave of ourselves.
No matter how much we loved.
Because what matters is...right now.
We cannot bind ourselves to what was, what will never be and has never been.
It's funny though how much a person inspite of everything...will always have a special place in our heart, a small part...however small...which he will always own.
Well, that's what I promised anyway. A special place. Always.
Baba will understand this I think as he has a person who will always, always be special to him as well.
And I don't begrudge him of this as I know I am his life and his love.NOW.
As he is mine.
I've stopped kissing frogs who never turned out to be my prince. I've found my prince. He was never a frog to begin with. :)