1. She toddles while attempting to run. You could almost piss in your pants. Then she’ll trip herself, stand up, toddle, fall again… and so and so forth.
2. She will climb up the stairs with surprising agility. You’d think she’s climbing the
. Her expression really determined.3. She eats her toothbrush.
4. She picks up every little thing she can see on the floor and eat it.
5. She dances by nodding her head and by bending her knees repeatedly.
6. She imitates words, “Hal-ka” (Halaka!) “Ba-bye Kokey”, "Tek-ku” (Thank you).
7. She would give kisses or hugs if you beg really well.
8. She puts everything in the garbage.
9. She’d eat something and then starts to spit them on the floor, sit down and wipe the spits with her hands.
10. She’s passionately inquisitive. What’s inside this drawer? What will happen if I push this button? What will happen if I pull this wire? What happens if I just put my fingers inside the fan?
11. She develops irritating habits -- Uh-huh, mama turned on the fan again; time to turn it off.
12. She wakes up at 3:00 in the morning and decides that she’s had enough of sleep; and starts poking and babbling to wake up.
13. She finds every corner and refuses to get out.
14. She starts pulling things off the cabinet and throwing them around the room. Pull things off the table and throw them around the room.
15. She refuses to get out of her tub after every bath and refuses to let me wash her hair; and refuses to stand still while getting dressed
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