Aug 31, 2008

Emotional Roller Coaster Ride

This has been a happy (slash) sad day.

I spent the whole afternoon chatting with two of my bestfriends, Tin and Set, and well, we talked about "confessions". It was nice. It's always nice to giggle with those two. We never have kept secrets -- well, I have never kept secrets from them -- so we always have such a blast shocking each other with our little secrets.

Bessie beat me though. Hands down.

I was and still am kinda melancholic. I miss Erbe. He went out of town for the weekend. I woke up this afternoon and the first thing that entered my mind was that he was not around. As usual, I was enveloped by an overwhelming sadness. I am not just used to not having him around. Well, he always takes my heart whenever he goes away. So, I called him up and cried silly. I always do that though. Anyway, it was a reminder of how much I love that silly silly man.

Well, there goes my emotional roller coaster ride.

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