First, I ran into one last Monday. Was that Monday? Uh, yeah. He was going to take a laboratory exam. I think. I wonder why. Well, maybe, he's pregnant or something. It was uncomfortable, so I ducked and pretended that he was not breathing the same air that I was breathing at that precise moment.
It reminds me of the time, I run into an ex (P) at the mall and he was with his then girlfriend, his wife now, and I was with my niece. I ran into common friends who kept telling me that P was there.
I was thinking, "That's just great. Fuck." You see, I was not dressed for the occasion. I knew I should have worn a freakin' gown and had my make up done. :) But unfortunately, that was not the case. I was wearing ripped pants and tattered shirts. It would have been different if I was with a Brad Pitt-lookalike. Anyway, when I finally saw them, I ducked! I was crouching all over the floor with my niece -- and I mean literally crouching. I told my niece that we were going to play "let's pretend we're little people and let's see who can walk faster".
Anyway, I digress.
So, as I was saying -- another ex emailed last Tuesday. 'Twas unexpected but welcomed. He was missed.
And then, just now, another ex sent me a message on Friendster. Hilarious.
Conclusion: I have lots of exes. Just great! Just Effing great! :)
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