As I write this blog post, there is one thing different about me. I am now finally 30 years old. It shouldn't matter much. After all, I don't feel any different, but I feel like I am in a race against time. I am pressured to accomplish everything that I want to accomplish within the next 10 years - OR before I hit the bigger 4-0. The one thing I am grateful for though is this feeling of knowing. I know what I want and I know I can get what I want. This feeling is new to me. I have been flailing for the last 10 years.
So, how was my birthday? We celebrated it a day earlier. It was not what I had planned but it was a fun day, so thank you bi. :)
Yesterday - March 15 - was officially my 30th birthday. The day did not start out right. Even my own mother forgot to greet me which is ironic considering the fact that she loves to reminisce her suffering during her childbirth. Anyway, I went with them to Cabusao. I was after the "fresh air" - and damn did I get it. However, my stomach did not enjoy the ride. I vomited all the way.
The saving grace of the day was seeing Tinapay, Bobet and his baby. Too bad, I wasn't able to take a picture of Mees Yuan. She's a cutie pie. Anyway, that is about it.
Before, I finally say goodbye to my 20s, I would like to list down the Things I Should Be Grateful For:
my friends including those not in these pictures
29 years and everything and everyone that touched my life and made it truly a great adventure.
29 years and everything and everyone that touched my life and made it truly a great adventure.
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