Jun 28, 2011

Eccentricities and Idiosyncracies

Like most people, I probably take me for granted. You know how it goes. You like certain things - and you don't really give it much thought. You like certain ways and you shrug it off because these are the things that you know about you.

Like you, I have my own eccentricities and idiosyncracies. I have just never bothered to take notice.

For instance, I don't like newly-cooked rice. I don't like eating hot rice, so I prefer to eat leftover rice. I also love eating rice topped with milk and milo - or sometimes, milk with sugar. It was only in college that I realize how weird this is and that was only after my bestfriend repeatedly pointed out the fact and made a big show out of trying it out for herself. She loved it too. But she also has her own set of idiosyncracies. so.

If I am not going out after I take a bath, I refuse to comb my hair. I don't know why. But when I pat dry my hair, I need to count to 30. I don't know where 30 came from.

I sleep with half of my face covered - not the whole of it, just the half of it. I figured a long time ago, I can avoid seeing ghosts without suffocating if I only have my eyes covered. I don't know how I come up with that one.

I turn my nose up at shoes. I, however, salivate when I see books. I don't like shoes and I particularly don't like high-heeled ones. I guess this stems from growing up being extremely conscious about my height. That is why I prefer slippers. Women love shoes. I just don't understand why they do.

I, however, understand the fascination for perfumes, expensive ones. I love 'em. Fortunately, I don't need to buy them because my sister loves them too and she never fails to buy 'em for me. :)

When I brush my teeth, I always have the need to do 10 strokes for every area. front teeth. 10 strokes. molars. 10 strokes. incisors. 10 strokes and so on and so forth.

I have an unquestionable love for rain. Rain, even just the sound of it, immediately perks me up. I guess I've never had a bad memory associated with rain. Rain brings to mind a lot of good memories.
...hot cakes when I was 5 years old...
...playing under the rain...
...dancing under the rain...
...kissing under the rain...
...curled up in bed with a good book...
...wet branches that I spend hours drawing...

lots and lots of good memories. feel good memories.

I don't like seafoods except for shrimps. I hate everything else. Okay, hate is a strong word. Still, I would rather not eat seafoods except for shrimp. Shrimp, however, is something my sister and love. Shrimp means 2 hours of great conversation with my sister over a plateful of shrimps that we'd devour. We love fish sauce with lemon juice to go with our shrimp. Truth is, my sister and I love to dip anything on fish sauce with lemon juice. We realized that our penchance for it has become a bit weird when our cousin pointed it out to us.

I don't like chocolate ice cream. It's fine as long as it's not pure chocolate. I don't like when it's all brown. I figured ice creams should have a bit of everything, so every bite is a surprise.

Speaking of chocolate, I don't like dark brown ones or the pure chocolate ones. I, however, love love love milk chocolates.

The list goes on and on. I bet you have them too, huh?

I may probably never learn to love shoes, but that's okay. It's not a capital crime and I can always get away with turning my nose up at shoes. I can be a shoe-snob for the rest of my life and it wouldn't hurt anyone.  So, what are your eccentricities? Better, what makes you wonderfully weird?

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