Sometimes, we remember moments when time seemingly stood still. We all have that – memories that are so vivid that you could practically feel yourself reliving them over and over again every time you remember. It’s almost like that movie Groundhog Day. You live through every little detail, the colors, the sounds, the sights, the scents – and most specially “the feel”. These are memories that have taken roots so deep they’ve embedded themselves into your very soul. It’s like for that single second in your life, everything stood still. And a second stretched into eternity – and you took your time to take it all in, every little detail from that single event. While everything and everyone else was in complete repose, you were the only one alive.
Ironically, we are alone in remembering these moments. Not often will other people remember them too – even if they were there..even if they were the very essence of that singular life-defining experience.
Earlier, a memory like this popped up – and like all other memories of equal significance, it made me feel melancholic. Thus, I write about it. Because yes, that’s what I do. I write.
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