Nov 30, 2009

Morning Rant

Time: 6:52 AM

Wet and irritated. It's definitely not a very good morning for me. Oh, it started out right. I woke up at 1 in the morning, watched YouTube vids of PBBDU (I snore my way through the nomination night) and worked. By 5:30, my stomach started grumbling - and so I started nagging Erbe to wake up. I wanted to go to Jollibee, but he wouldn't budge.

Hmp, I thought. Huffing, I get dressed and went on my not-so-merry-way, all the while, cursing Erbe for not getting up and for having the temerity to brave my wrath in exchange for his sleep (I know, I'm an awful-awful wife).

Walking alone is not that fun. My Bridge didn't even cheer me up. It wasn't a leisurely walk. It was a horrible walk especially when it started raining! Oh, I eventually reached Jollibee and I was pleased that the security guard didn't even bat an eyelash when I entered the restaurant, dripping wet. People glanced and stared surreptitiously at me though. I looked like a bedraggled cat. I took my sweet time eating breakfast; albeit, I was practically chilled to my bones. The hot coffee helped a little.

Anyway, I bought pancakes for Paige, nothing for Erbe. I blame this horrible morning on him. He's all to blame, I don't care how unreasonable that sounds. Yes, I blame him for the rain too!

Lucky for Jollibee, he wasn't there. Else, I'd kicked his butt once again. :)

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