The Benefits of Oregano

Oregano (Scientific name: Origanum vulgare) is also known as Wild Marjoram, Mountain Mint, Origanum, Wintersweet and Winter Marjoram.

Hand of Hope: Samuel Alexander Armas

A picture began circulating in November. It should be "The Picture of the Year," or perhaps, "Picture of the Decade." It won't be. In fact, unless you obtained a copy of the paper, you probably will never see it.

Tracey Connelley, Baby P's Evil Mom, Shows NO Remorse

I have never been affected by any story as much as Baby P's story has affected me. Yesterday evening, I found myself sobbing twice! I just can't get over the sheer horror of the story.

Baby P's Murderers -- Why Are They Being Protected?

In my country, it has never happened before that the media and the people have been forbidden to actually reveal the names and faces of TC and SB, the murderers of Baby P.

That Winter The Wind Blows Finale: Did Oh Soo Die?

Over the holy week break, I spent the entire four days just watching the 15 episodes of this Korean show. Yes, I am a self-confessed Korean drama addict. I already have my favorite actors and actresses; albeit, I don’t know their names.

Mar 30, 2006

My drama with Shingles

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Wha-at?!? Chickenpox?!

Not chickenpox to be exact but the recurrence of it – Shigles!

I have it. Who would have thought of anything as bizarre as a virus living deep inside you and waiting for the right moment.. the exact moment when all your defenses are down and attack once again!!!

It freakin’ hurts like hell and itch! Geeze! Does it itch!

And I am supposed to drink some medications that would prevent the hellish pain that would come just after the virus goes away!! Bizaaaareee!! I tell you.

Lucky for me, I’ve read that once I’ve had the chickenpox the baby is relatively safe from the damages of Shingles.. relatively, that is.

Well, ces’t la vie!

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Mar 28, 2006

after the investiture

Originally uploaded by Silhoutte.
i don't look pregnant, huh? But I am!!!

Mar 23, 2006

nakatsinelas na buntis

nakatsinelas na buntis
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I have two GREAT news!

(Although come to think of it, I think the WHOLE freakin' world knows about these and so they wouldn't come as a surprise)

Anyways, here goes..

1st. I have just graduated from LAW school. Yep. Finizzzz... Still sucks though because after graduation, we still had to attend classes and take exams. That is UNC for you.. IT is no wonder why instead of studying for tomorrow's exam, here I am blogging and doing God knows what. I figured, hell, I have been given my friggin' degree, haven't I?!
'Syds, it's not like I am going to take the BAR soon. NOpe. I am not taking it yet. Why? Money, first of all. If you can dish out 150,000 grand for me, than perhaps, I would consider it. On the second thought, naah.. I still have to give birth to my baby, shouldn't I?

Yes, ladies and gentleman, that is my second pride and joy -- my baby!!!

Erbe likes for our baby to have this thingie hanging between the legs. Dream on baba! I, being the mother, have the right to have the first option -- whether it's a girl or a boy.

I think it's a girl. (A pause for my Fervent prayer..)

So, here's my pic. What am I doing here???

I just finished with the whole graduation enchilada chuva. Pregnant and newly graduated.



I am NOT FAT! I am pregnant for god's sakes!!!!!

Mar 7, 2006

and the question is???

“So what made you so sure?”

That was Blanzi’s question to me the other day while we were all sitting for an afternoon chitchat at Greenwich.

So, how did I know that it was him I was going to take on for the rest of my life, warts, farts and all?

It’s really tough. You really gotta make a decision that is going to affect “the rest of your life”. I went through all the wedding jitters. They were not wedding jitters. They were wedding nightmares!

I was like, “Oh, my God! What if I regret it?!”

“What if I can’t live with this decision for the rest of my life!”

And with Erbe, my friends know there was so much to consider.

I went through that until the very moment when the bridal car I was on reached the Church and I saw him standing there and all I could think about was, “Damn, is he a fine specimen of manhood or what?!” J

And the fears were gone.

Anyway, here’s how you’d know it’s him for sure:

1. Speaking for myself) I never imagined marrying any of my exes. Honestly! I was always, “Uh-uh, this is going to end soon.. so who’s next?”

2. You can imagine living a boring life with him – working, mortgage and kids.

3. You think it’s ok and even cute if he gets a paunch and he loses his hair when he reaches 50.

4. You just don’t think you would want to be with anybody else for the rest of your life or grow old with anybody else.

5. Life will be okay, whatever punches and curveballs it throws at you, as long as you are with him.

6. You believe that you can deal with his farts for the rest of your life.

7. You love him so much that you can’t imagine living life without him, whatever comes.

Basically, that is how I know. It all boils down to that. LOVE.