Erbe and I work on some files at night, so Mommy takes on Ikay for the night, and being the Kix Palabs that she is, she cries through the night when she is put down, so you'd find mommy dancing on the top of the bed or singing at 4 in the morning...
By the way, where is my sister through all this?
Well, after doing the damage, she refuses to take care of Paige at night.
The other night, Mama was almost in tears, being very sleepy while Paige continues to demand that she be danced and sang to.
Daddy sympathetic of Mommy's plight, while of course refusing to take on Paige himself, made Mommy and Paige a makeshift swing...
And there she is... :)
The next day, Erbe and I bought her our own swing which gave us a nights rest as well from the dancing and singing as our princess demands. :)