I really am such a klutz.
Today, we formally launched the medical transcription course our company is offering, in partnership with WRI.
There were a lot of guests...
The ex-vice mayor, city councilors, people from TESDA and DTI, media people and a lot of important guests...
And I came in pants a tad smaller for me (blame it on my pregnancy fat) and take note with a hole in the ass area. geeze! I wanted to come wearing slacks but nothing fits and those that my aunt lent me were two freaking big. I look like I'm with freaking rapper group or something.
So I wore this long shirt (which was too big for me before I got pregnant and now is tad small for me) and I happily went along there with my husband who wanted to come wearing a polo shirt, but who I fortunately convinced to wear something more appropriate for the occasion.
When I got there, I entered the room and shook the hands of VERY important people and my aunt was frowning at my shirt. She then asked Erbe to get Her BIG blouse from the car and made me wore the pink blouse, which did not match with my blue pants with a hole in the ass and my yellow sandals. What a screw up!
To make matters worst, just when I thought things couldn't get any worst than a screwed up ensemble, the yellow sandals broke and Erbe asked for a freaking masking tape. Geeze!
But luckily, somebody keeps a pair of sandals and lent it to me. What a fiasco!
Anyways, at the end of the whole thing, I got to watch my husband impressed the people with his presentation. That was at least one good thing that came out of the whole experience.