Jul 30, 2010


For the past few days, I do not feel anything but irritation, disappointment and anger. It is consuming me that everything comes out of my mouth reveal just exactly how pissed off I am. I do not know if it is because my hormones are in complete riot – but I know that I have valid reasons for feeling like this.

It doesn't help that this pregnancy is far from being a pain-free one. My back hurts constantly and the stomach contractions feel like some idiot's cementing my stomach.

It doesn't help that I am dealing with idiocy, selfishness, childishness and immaturity. Some people need to understand that once you tie yourself to someone else and create a family, that it means that you have to give up things that you wouldn't normally want to give up. That's called compromise. Otherwise, if you continue to think of yourself, you end up being a selfish jerk.

Seriously, I feel like throwing in the towel. One hundred thousand sounds like freaking cheap right now.

Oh well, maybe it's just the hormones talking. I am just so pissed off.

2 Gorgeous People Said --:

ruthi said...

Easy my friend... life is indeed tough but I know that you will be fine. Just checking you here and thinking how you are doin. Now I know that you are not really doin too well. It's just a hormonal thingy... and you deserve to be pissed off every now and then... and hey, this is the time that you can get away with anything because your loved ones are more tolerant. Just hang on. And stay happy and pretty.

-=- jinx -=- said...

waaaahhhh!!! hirak man ni bados. *hugs*