Jan 3, 2012

Happy New Year?


I swore I wouldn't write anything, but after watching How I Met Your Mother, I finally gave in.  I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. I believe, however, that New Year makes you introspective.  The turn of the year makes you want to sit down and take a good look at where your life is going.  This new year scares me.  Everything is all up in the air. Should I take the bar exam or not? Should I pursue teaching this year or not?  Everything is all up there. I have my plans but I don't know how everything will pan out.  It's not all within my control and I hate that.

In truth, new year is just another day.  It passes like any other day.  There is nothing special that really happens that marks the passing of another year.  The sun breaks and the night settles in as they should.  Curiously, however, it doesn't pass like any other day in our minds.  Because it's passing affects us.  It scares us, worries us, excites us.  It makes us hopeful or frightful.  It makes us sad or happy.  It makes us question our lives and our plans.  It forces us to take a good look at ourselves.

For some this year is going to be exciting and they already know it.  For some, they dread that this year is just going to be like every year of their lives.  For others, like me, this year marks the crossroads of their lives.

For me, this is the year to make some huge changes and finding the courage to make those changes and pursue a greater purpose.  I told Erbe that this year scares me.  He said, "because of the prophecy?"  It took a while for me to understand what prophecy he was talking about.  When the answer dawned on me, I burst out laughing and I laughed and laughed and laughed.  No, it's definitely not the prophecy.  This scares me because I am being forced to make some changes and I definitely like where I am in right now.  Unfortunately, I have to make these changes. :(

Anyway, happy New Year my dear readers.  I don't know who you are and what you wish to achieve this year, but I sincerely hope that you find what you're looking for.

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