The Benefits of Oregano

Oregano (Scientific name: Origanum vulgare) is also known as Wild Marjoram, Mountain Mint, Origanum, Wintersweet and Winter Marjoram.

Feb 21, 2014

A Letter to My Heartbroken Friend

Let me start by saying I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you the other day.  You have been putting up such a good front that I tend to forget the truth sometimes. I thought of forwarding another quotation, something that could provide you a little comfort, but I thought, what the hell, I should just write you a letter, something that you can read when you need a little love…a little comfort. Love sucks. Let just get that out of the way because right now, that’s the truth. Raw love can blindside you and it’s not so easy to turn off.  The raw...

Feb 15, 2014

How Am I?

PMS, cough, colds, stress...I'm a fvckin' happy camper.Just finished crying like a loo...