Mar 28, 2008

I Got Tagged

I've been tagged twice by Niña and Jade. I'm supposed to write seven things about me that people do not generally know. Since, I've been tagged twice -- I thought, "what the heck?!"

So, here goes. (By the way, I posted this before. I am merely reposting it.)

1. If we are not really close, you wouldn't know that I wrap my feet with mosquito net when I go to sleep. Now, you'd probably think that's weird but I'll have you know that 2 out of 10 people in this freaking country have the same affliction.

2. I love cartoons. I don't think I'll ever grow out of loving it. I seem to love Jimmy Neutron these days. Weird.

3. I love country music -- American country music, that is. The sappier, the better.

4. I am a Catholic but I question the doctrines. But I will not ever change my religion.

5. I believe I have failed the Bar Exams and I am just waiting for the results to confirm that, but I worry that I probably jinxed it by believing that I failed.

6. I don't want to regret my life. Period. So, I leave no room for thinking, "Do I regret my life?"

7. I am afraid to die but sometimes I think I'll die ahead of people I really love. Morbid thoughts.

This is an open tag. Anyone who likes to participate may do so.

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