Mar 16, 2008

Sad, sad Earth

Do you want to know what the earth would look like if all humans are gone?

Click Here. No, Do Not Read More, just click!

7 Gorgeous People Said --:

Dawn Drover said...

Sad, scary, empty, forlorn...
the pictures were pretty acurate.

SheR. said...

Saw these images yesterday on internet. Don't you think the world looks better without us in it? Much more peaceful and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

If human are gone. Nothing will appreciate the beauty

Tinggay said...

Hi Dawn, I'm a huge fan of your blog. So, thanks for the visit.

Sher, yes, the world seems peaceful and beautiful... but sad. really sad.

Yes, I agree. Despite the frailties of humans, the world will not be complete without them.

SheR. said...

Ah.. Toby. Beauty is always there even though we are not here anymore. Just like the song in forest. It is still a song. ;)
I'm not sad about a world without humans. All of us here will leave this earth someday. Perhaps the earth is better off without us. :)It has existed billions of years with our absence!


I so agree with Sher on this one.

The world was a beautiful place long before we intelligent apes constrcuted buildings and established communities on once beautiful open spaces.

I prefer the empty wilderness, the Grand Canyon, an open field scatered with poppies over a bustling city any day.

Mother nature will always exist, long after mankind has destroyed himself through greed and stupidity.

I guess I just love nature, and in those pictures I simply see mother nature reclaiming what is rightfully hers.

Tinggay said...


You won't love it then if you can't see it. :)
But I get your point and Sher's. I get Toby's too.

Love your latest post by the way. :)