Jan 14, 2008

Interesting Blogs

Every now and then I come across really interesting blogs. And when I say interesting, I mean REALLY, REALLY INTERESTING.

Check out Kathryn's blog. This is a remarkably interesting story about a man with a wife who was able to live his dream of being a woman in a span of two years. Kathryn was never attracted to men though. She was just raised to feel and think like a woman. She learned to equate self-fulfillment, completion and happiness with being a woman. This need was insatiable which led to this amazing journey.

Another blog I find really interesting is this blog knowing how many people out there are agnostics or atheists, or some just plain assholes -- this blog speaks so much of the author behind it. To actually stand and write about your faith and what you believe in regardless of the amount of ridicule you'd get -- Remarkable. The interesting thing about this blog is this -- it IS Jesus' blog. It is Jesus writing the posts. It is Jesus answering the comments -- or at least the author presented the blog the way he thinks Jesus would.

Interesting, huh? Enjoy!

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