Jan 12, 2008

Understanding Adultery

I fell in-love with a married man.


Definitely have not.
Never have been.
And I am fervently wishing and hoping that I will never be.

A friend of mine once fell in love with a married man. I think to a certain degree I played a role in her taking the leap and falling deep into one big fuck up mess.

(My sister once accused me of encouraging people to do things because I cannot do them. Like when I made her get a really short haircut which she absolutely hated.) Anyway, I digress.

I once worked in an office where married people are hooking up, and where getting involved with your married officemate was pretty much acceptable. It was not morally correct but it served as a nice topic for lunch breaks. It's no wonder the HR Department implemented an every Wednesday Mass program.

But why do people enter into adulterous relationships?

People find themselves in these relationships because of various reasons -- loneliness, revenge, need, love. Let's take a look at some of the people I know who jumped into the world of illicit liaisons.

Case 1. Beautiful, intelligent, 24-year-old woman who never had any relationship fell prey to the sweet tongue of a married man. Can you forgive her?

Case 2. Loving woman (whose husband cheated on her) fell in love with another man. Is this an acceptable reason?

Case 3. 25-year-old beautiful woman (who got pregnant when she was 18 and who never had any other boyfriend except her husband who got two other women pregnant) fell in love with an 18-year-old. Can you excuse her?

I guess, if you really think about it -- you can actually excuse them or at least understand where these people are coming from.
However, if we would excuse or understand everything that is morally corrupt or wrong in this world, where does that leave us?

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