But now, I'm beat but I still have to work. I have several more chef bios and websites to edit to write. But there are some things that I have to write here first.
First, I'm glad to know that Robert Pattinson takes a bath and the rumor is wrong. Gosh. I can imagine Tinay's glee with that news. She likely gave out a big satisfied snort. So, did you? :)
Second, I gave a satisfied snort myself when I read that Perez Hilton is not writing his blog and that he has 3 writers actually blogging for him.
Third. I need to write that I hate the fact that Erbe is a lousy liar. He can't lie to save his life. It's actually pathetic! It's a great thing because he can't lie to me. It's a different story, however, when I asked him to lie and he couldn't! Do I know that I'm getting this all wrong? Do I know that I should be ashamed of myself? Well, yeah. So? :)
Fourth. I need to write about KFC's Meltz? Have you tried it? You should!!!
Fifth. I am missing a lot of people. I miss YOU.
There. I'm done.
"Review My Post and Get Paid! Seriously!"
2 Gorgeous People Said --:
gosh, may reaction ako sa halos gabos na sinabi mo dgdi sa post na ni. enot, yes, i did snort and laugh sa idea na crush mo homaba...hehehe...
tapos saro sa mga gusto ko magibo magsaranggola, ta they always say, kun maluya ka sa klase,nagparaburadol ka daa,tano man daa yan.hehe..tapos i went out today lng, i wanted to try that kfc melt tlga, kaso mahaba an pila...kaya nagmcdo na lng ako.
yan. mahaba din an sharing ko..hehe..
Hope you're well after posting. Take care.
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