It comes to that point when I want to cut ties once and for all. After so many years of wanting and getting what I want, it is a bit ironic to find myself on the other side of the fence – and this time NOT wanting any ties at all.
The reason is fairly simple. It does not require an Albert Einstein IQ – I just do not find the need for ties anymore. All the reasons I held on to for years? They’re gone. Poof! All the questions have been answered. And I’ve realized that things are not the same and they can never be the same.
The reason that fueled the want and need is gone. Sure, there are emotions – real ones – that come to play, but these emotions have no place in the real scheme of things. These emotions are just there to deceive. They are going to be there for the long run, but they are meant to be ignored until God knows when. There is no point continuing something that has no real substance.
Oh sure, it was fun for a while, but playing is not always that fun. It can get tiresome…boring even. It is an emotional investment that will not pay off. It is always in the box…forever in the box.
Sometimes, there is no point hurting other people over something that is not real. I have to make choices. Toying with emotions and flirting with fate are not really things that I can afford to do especially when a lot are at stake. So, yes, I want to cut ties. I may not do it right now, but I want it. And I'd probably cut ties sooner than you think. Maybe today. Maybe tomorrow.
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