Silence speaks
But words could be found
In an unlikely place
Filling my soul
Filling the empty places
Barren for so long
Because you came
And then you came
I found my transient solace
My own sanctuary
Because you came
A temporal existence
A cherished reprieve
That my soul yearns
But would lose
Passing, I know
You said the words
An abysmal gratitude for you being you
For words only you had said
For who I am
For who I was when you came
For I, who I would lose
Because you came
And would leave
For making me cry
Without a reason -
Yet perhaps with
But words fail me
Describing beyond my grasp
A feeling enveloped me
And then I cried
Thoughts of you fills me
Fills my heart enough to make me smile
At night you'd whisper,
Goodnight, my love, goodnight
And I'd close my eyes thankful
Because you said goodnight, not goodbye
I'd cherish you and follow you
Like the silent sparks
The black burnt coals hid
Or like that subdued place
Your soul keeps
I'd follow you
Like the calm path
That the heavens cast
Though I know I dream
And am afraid to wake up
I'd still dream
Like a promise meant to be kept
Like a kiss barely felt
Like a smile barely seen
Like a spring barely shown
Yet I'd dream
I have nothing else to lose
Because by not dreaming,
I'd lose you
So, let me have you
In the only way I know how.
-- To him I have yet to learn how much I love (January 30, 2000)
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