It should have ended 5 months ago, but no, no, no. This daughter of mine decided that she likes the idea of her mother vomiting her guts out at 3:44 in the morning. It doesn't matter that I am 8 months pregnant. So, there I was huddling the toilet bowl (like people do in the movies) and retching. At some point, I thought, "Oh, that's my dinner (as I stare at the meat and vegetable concoction floating)! It has been hours! Why isn't it digested yet?!"
This is getting harder by the day. My scoliosis is acting up. The huge stomach weight is taking a huge toll on my poor back.
It's Khristine's fault. I blame her for my condition. No, she didn't get me impregnated – Erbe did.
What she did, however, was cursed me with this scoliosis.
You see, for four years – all throughout High School, we would walk from St. Joseph School all the way to Arana (where my house used to be). And all those years, I would carry her effing bag for her. This is not just any bag, mind you. Any Josephian worth his or her salt knows how heavy a Josephian bag can be. She told me she had scoliosis and that her back hurt, so if I wouldn't mind too much, "Can you please carry my bag for me?" I was such an idiot. A big sucker. I did! I carried her bag for her – and it's only now that I discovered she did not have back problems. She was just too lazy to carry her bag! And now, I have the effing scoliosis. Yeah, great.
Friendship sucks sometimes.
And she's not even apologetic for that. She'd usually laugh her ass off every time I'd remind her. She's the bane of my existence, that woman.
Anyway, I digress – and because I have I'd just better get back to work.
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