Aug 20, 2010


I have had lots of major influences in my life – people who at one time or another influenced how I viewed life.

In truth, I am not an easy person to influence because I can be very stubborn. I have learned to form my own opinions at a young age and that’s how I have always been. But there have been people who sneaked up on me and have become huge influences –

There is my mother – of course – from whom I have learned the value of sacrifice. I’ve always said this and I say this again – if I can be half of a mother that she is, I’d be a very good mother already.

My father taught me religion and faith. As a little girl, I was fond of hanging rosaries on my neck. It was scary how I was getting a bit fanatical about faith and religion. I could recite the rosary (and all its mysteries) when I was 7 years old.

I grew up around my elder cousins who adored Sharon Cuneta and at one point, hated Vina Morales. Oh boy, was I mad at Vina, too. I loved Sharon Cuneta so much I had memorized most of her songs.

And there were teachers in St. Joseph who influenced my way of thinking – Madam Bayani, particularly. I must admit though it was hard to resist her influential gaze lure.

When I was in College, I met Ryan who was a major influence as well. Rye believes in grabbing chances and taking responsibilities of one’s action. But we pursued different paths and over time, I have learned to live life my way – and I have come to realize that I do not agree with a lot of things he believed/believes in. I guess, he doesn’t agree with how I am living my life right now. But that’s alright because – well, to be completely honest, I do not agree with many of the decisions he made as well. But no judgments, no judgments.

I am not a wide-eyed 19-year-old girl anymore. I am not the same girl who readily gave her heart away and had it ripped inside out. No, I am a mother now. And I have to make decisions and take everything into consideration. I am still learning though – and these days, I have been learning from my husband.

Erbe taught me that a person can go through hell and get out of it – not unscathed, but stronger, better and hopeful.

He has taught me a lot about faith and how far one can go riding on his or her faith.

He has taught me kindness because he is incredibly kind.

My husband taught me patience – although I have a long, long way to go before I can be half as patient as he is.

He taught me the meaning of unconditional love – the kind of love that can give you superhuman strength (not literally, of course)

My husband taught me optimism. I loved being cynical and pessimistic. My husband is the complete opposite.

In truth, I can go on and on. Oh no, he is not perfect. After all, he is the husband who can fart his way to hell and back. But that’s okay. That’s okay - sometimes. :)

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