Sep 5, 2010

36 Weeks Post

So, how many times have you visited my blog during the past few weeks?

It has been a while since I wrote anything. Truth be told, I didn’t feel like blogging. But I have just finished the movie, Letters to Juliet and I was inspired to write something – anything. You know, just write something not related to work. I miss that sometimes. I miss writing and not worry about my Grammar or my sentence constructions.

I’m on my 36th week of pregnancy now. By next week, I’d be in my full term of pregnancy and anytime from then on, I’d probably go into Labor – or not. Depending on whether the doctor thinks I should have a cesarean section. I do not rebel against the thought anymore though. I still want to have a normal delivery, but if that will put my life or the baby’s life at risk, I do not want to insist on it.

By now, pregnancy is getting even more difficult by the day. I think I am carrying a really large baby. My stomach literally moves from left to right every time she squirms or moves. Not surprisingly, doing any normal activity is really hard. What’s easy though is sleeping. God! I feel so tired and sleepy ALL THE TIME. Everything else is hard. The hardest though is getting up from the bed.

I have all sorts of aches and pains, but the vaginal pressure takes the lead. Okay, I wrote that. I said VAGINA. Deal with it. I read that it’s due to the baby’s position being very low or the fact that I’m carrying a huge baby. I think it’s probably both. I feel like I’m carrying a bowling ball between my legs. Imagine a ball attached to your private parts – yes, that’s how painful it is. And I didn’t have this with Paige.

We’ve finally come up with a name for the baby though. It’s Leigh Riley. I wanted a one-syllable first name for the baby, just like Paige. So, it’s Leigh. “Leigh” means delicate or meadow while “Riley” means courageous. I like the contrasting meanings. Erbe likes it too. My mother does not like the name “Riley” though. Oh well. Everybody has an opinion that is why Erbe and I agreed not to tell people, but you’re not people though – 3you’re anonymous faces who actually give a damn about this blog. Well, that’s what I think; otherwise you wouldn’t be here.

Sometimes, I wonder who you are though. Of course, I know Jinx, Luns, Tinay and yes, even P read this blog but I don’t know who else bothers… Oh, yeah, I used to have an avid reader – I don’t know though if she still bothers to read. I hope not. I don’t think she’s that pathetic.

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