Jan 28, 2011

You know that thing they say about married couples needing to fall in-love with one another several times to survive the marriage?  Well, this blog post is not about that. But I probably need a good reminder of why I love my husband at this very moment.  Nope, this is not my typical I-love-my-husband-he's-the-best-hubby-in-the-whole-world post.

On the contrary, this is my I-love-my-husband-but-god-how-I'd-love-to-scalp-his-head-off-at-this-very-moment-because-he's-pissing-the-hell-out-of-me post..  I will not go into details, but fuck it. fuck it. fuck it.

And the weird thing about this is that the cause of my irritation anger is so trivial, you'd probably roll your eyes or laugh at me.  Still, that doesn't change the fact that it pissed the hell out of me.

Sigh. I really should learn how to pick my fights.