My 4th cup - no, 1st. After all. This is a new day.
It's the 13th of the month.
13th already.
Time flies so fast and I'm battling with time right now. I am not there yet - emotionally, mentally, but spiritually? Oh I'm there! God must be so happy with me. He has never seen me this often in Church for the past 6 years.
I still feel like crap. Recent events still affect me as much as I hope they wouldn't. I really don't like dealing with an amoral douche. Turned out that is exactly what I was dealing with. Seriously! What's a couple of months?! So freaking weird. So wrong in so many levels. And I can't even do anything about it?! I'm stuck and I can't say anything without gutting myself as well. Oh, well. I made my bed, I should sleep on it. And sleep I'll do now - literally. It's 3 in the morning and I have work tomorrow.
Why the hell are you still reading my blog by the way?!
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