Jan 24, 2009

Giving Thanks

I am praying for something and I want to remind myself that I have a lot to thank God for because sometimes, I feel like I haven’t been blessed.

So, here goes – I am thankful

for every breath that I take and for everyone that I cherish and love.

that I am capable of rejoicing in the absolute wonder of being alive and without threats of dying

for my capacity to recognize and cherish my gift of reason – and I am eternally grateful that Erbe possess his.

for my ability to tap into my God’s gift flow of creation

for my Paige and the wonders she brings

that there are good people because sometimes I can’t help but wonder if there are still any left

that there are parents who choose to kiss and hug their children instead of hit them

for everyone who bothers to read everything I write – whatever their reason may be.

for having a good bullshit detector and the ability to not fall into people's crap

for the friends I have had for the last 28 years of my life

that someone still gives a damn about anything -- it does not even matter what.

for things I have yet to accomplish and dreams that I have yet to fulfill – I’m thankful that I am still capable of dreaming

for the wisdom I have gained from fear and stumbling

for the unconditional love I get from my family

for the capacity to recognize REAL love and all its worth

for little things like air conditioning, paved roads, electricity, plumbing, love songs, good books, great movies and sunrises.

for knowing that God truly, truly exists – and without needing to justify my belief.

for my husband.

For the ability to be genuinely thankful for everything I have just written above.

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