It's frustrating because she hates wearing nappies. She prefers to go "nekkid" Yep! as "nekkid" as she can get!
One minute, she'd have her nappies on, the next she'd have removed it. It's utterly frustrating. The minute she pees, she wants her nappies off. So, we decided to place diapers only at night. This works fine except for the fact that I have a naked 2-1/2 year old walking around naked all the time.
She hates wearing undies. She basically hates wearing clothes. period. We are in this constant struggle to get her to wear undies. On top of that, we have been trying to teach her to pee on her potty.
It's not that she does not have any bladder control. She just prefers to pee on the floor. Well, at least she used to until last night.
Because last night -- last night was a day to remember!
January 27, 2009.
We were watching television when Paige hurriedly climb off the bed and sat on her pink potty. Just like that. She just sat on it. I didn't give her much notice until she suddenly exlaimed, "Paige! Very good!" I turned and she said, "Mama! wee-wee o!" while pointing at the pink potty with her small amount of wonderful pee.
I was so happy!
Gosh! You'd think I won a million bucks! I picked her up and began dancing around the room. The pink potty with urine made my day. It was such a wonderful, wonderful thing to see.
After last night, Paige began to pee on her potty and she seemed to have gained considerable bladder control. We went to the mall today and she was able to wait for me to bring her to the comfort room before she peed today.
Oh happy day! Who would have thought that a small amount of urine on a pink potty will make my day?!
2 Gorgeous People Said --:
your date says october 27, 2009...
It does! I didn't notice. :)
Thanks. I'll correct it now.
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