I am not really a fan of the Christmas holiday. Of course, I like the huge sales. And I like bothering about the Christmas dinner and gifts. Ever since my sister left for UK though, I have started to really, really dislike our Christmas and yes, the New Year as well.
You see, my parents are chicken-obsessed during those days. Everyone in the house is freakin' busy buying, counting and selling chickens. I'm relegated to the role of a cook. What I hate about it though is that we don't sit down for dinner unlike before. Nowadays, it's like the food I carefully prepare are only meant to be devoured by exhausted workers. Yep, the word is DEVOURED!
It's like working in a freaking mine where I get to cook the soups for the miners. Last Christmas, I cooked, but no one really cared about how the whole Christmas thing. Well, except for Paige, who was busy pulling everything down from the Christmas tree. Everyone was busy with the chickens. I was pissed, so I didn't bother waiting up for 12 o'clock. I just went to sleep.
New Year was worst though. My father asked me to check one outlet. I stayed there 'til 10 PM. I was so freaking tired and I was hoping that someone would bother to cook for Media Noche, but no one did! No one bothered because they were all busy marinating hundreds of chickens and cooking sauces.
Fortunately, I bought a gallon of ice-cream and a cake earlier, and so that was what everyone ate! I was really, really, really freakin' mad. I did not bother waiting for New Year -- I just went to bed alternately cursing and crying.
(a huge pause)
how was your holiday celebration?
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