the truth about this though is that i have been told that i am screwing it up.
when u love, u want to be love completely..
and u don't want to be told that "if someone had a choice, he'd rather spend the rest of his life with somebody else.."
how do u tell urself not to hurt when the hurt has taken root, so deep that it's not easy to unearthed it?
how do u tell urself to trust that the next words u'd hear is true?
how do u tell urself to stop hurting?
u don't, i guess.
because when u stop hurting, u stop loving.
i guess as long as when u love, u would continually hurt.. i guess love requires courage and the commitment from loving requires that u have the strength to stay and hope though u feel ur heart breaking..
i never thought my heart would break until the other night
when i felt the first piece break away..
the fact is i made myself hurt, i asked for it..
he said it was meant to hurt because i was hurting him.
is it wise to know the truth from someone else's past? to unearthed worms that have long fed on the waste of the past?
i guess not.
because when u do, u find urself knowing things ud rather not know, but desperately needed to know..
u learn that some dreams were not yours for they were somebody else's first..
u learn that what u might be holding, would rather be held by somebody else..
but why do i keep holding on?
because despite all of this, i love.
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