hmmm.. scream, " Oh! who bloody cares?!" nah.. the bf would go into an apoplexy if u do..
what about crying ur bloody eyes out and then break up with the bf? hey! i did that! geeze.. was i pathetic or was i pathetic?
she doesn't like me, and she hasn't met me yet.
he doesn't like me, and he barely even talked to me when we met.
no justice.
and i am a law student.
tsk. tsk. tsk. oh! the irony of it all!
the funny thing about this is that i generally do not give a damn about people's opinion. but then when it is the opinion of someone whose opinion matters to the person who means the world to is not so easy to shrug ur shoulders, huh?
hey, bessie.. this is like the latest.. what'd u think? i know...ud say im like the greatest there is.. u aren't helpin' at all, ur like my bestfriend! i could be a bitch, and ud understand! :)
so how the xmas? the new year? penniless dahlin! all penisless! oops! just kiddin! (ba, musangot ka na naman!!!)
last xmas, i get to hangout with my friend from the land of the free (that's the US rytie?)
anyways, i generally regard myself as a cynic, but damn did she define the word!
tin and meilen, the friend from bush' land, are the complete opposite.. if tin is north? well, meilen has fallen off the globe! hehehe.. what's her motto about men? "Treat 'em good and they'd treat u bad. Treat 'em like shit, and they'd worship u"
hey members of the human race with the dangling thingie! any comment? violent reactions? this is her opinion, and kinda mine as well (sorry baby, this does not apply to you) so sue me!
anyways, thats is how she is.. and she has a baby and living with her boyfriend, and she doesn't want to get married.. is she sorry? na-uh! she just doesn't give a shit bout what u 'ol think bout her, she is just living her life. thank u.
well, i guess i will live it at this note. is somebody reading this 'syds my bestfriend?? geeze!
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