I want to run alone through the streets of Paris in the rain wearing a yellow raincoat two sizes too big.
I want to be mentally, emotionally and spiritually independent and self-reliant in every way possible.
I also want to be held and I want it to feel like a pale cool fire upon my skin.
I want to create at least one work in any medium that will outlast me and reach into other souls after my death.
I want the afterlife to be interesting rather than perfect..
I want to never forget that there are far greater and more beautiful things outside the realm of easy answers.
I want you to give a damn. (And I want to be completely beyond caring whether or not anyone else ever gives a damn, but I never will be.)
I want a secret place in a secluded wood that no one knows about where I could crawl into the hollow of a big oak tree and look up at the canopy of the stars and dream.
I want my friends and loved ones to experience everything good that fate, circumstance, and their own souls, can possibly give them.
I want my novel to be already finished and to say everything it has to say in the best way it can.
I want to develop a deeper sense of my heritage.
I want to keep what I've already won and find out what's behind door number three.
I want to take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile.
I want every world leader to start sleeping with teddy bears every night.
I want to have money, but I don't want to want it.
I want there to always be something that science will never be able to explain.
I want to know what He's thinking.
I want to have my cake, eat it, come back for seconds, and get the recipe from the cook.
I want to look in the mirror and see someone beautiful looking back at me.
I want to resolve every dichotomy in my soul without having to compromise.
I want a continual sense of being one with the Divine Love.
I want the ability to understand everything in every book I will ever read.
I want a better built-in bullshit detector, and the courage to use it.
I want to pass Go, collect two hundred dollars, and get a Get Out Of Jail Free card. And it wouldn't hurt to own all the railroads and build a hotel on Boardwalk.
I want to someday be the "mother" of children that will never doubt for one moment in their lives that they are loved.
I want to know the secrets of the temple.
I want to feel redeemed.
I want to hurt and to fail in every way that will end up making me a stronger and better person.
I want to constantly exceed my own expectations, and at every moment live up to the standards of what I believe.
I want never to be unable to feel humbled and awed at the smallest things in nature, or the greatest works of man.
I want to never take anything important for granted.I want to know what it means to miss New Orleans.
I want to laugh for no reason more often.
I want to stop being afraid.
1 Gorgeous People Said --:
GREAT POST ATE!!! probably the rest of human kind can benefit from sleeping with their favorite weeny-teeny-lovey-teddies everynight..:)
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