Jun 16, 2009

Boys Over Freaking Flowers

I'm freaking so in-love with Boys Over Flowers. I know, It's embarrassing! (So, lower your eyebrows Mr. X!) I love it though. Yes, Tinay, I have seen the whole thing. Here's the link. Maybe you can give it to Luns as well. Obviously, she loves it too.

The show has all the angst of teenage love. Oh, the angst. That's what we lived for way back then. Does he like me or does he not? Is she into me or is she into him? The drama! Adult love is a bit direct, less drama. You like me, fine. Of course, if there's a neurotic ex-girlfriend, it's another story. Right, Jinx?

The series has all the drama and the angst. It's huge on "butterflies in the stomach" feeling. It's a Romeo and Juliet. It's a Cinderella story. It has all the ingredients, that's why it's such a hit. I'm kinda embarrassed blogging about it, but it's all I have been watching in between work for the past three days! So, yeah. *sigh.

By the way, a shout out to Marlon. Miss u, Bes! Call up!

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