The Benefits of Oregano
Oregano (Scientific name: Origanum vulgare) is also known as Wild Marjoram, Mountain Mint, Origanum, Wintersweet and Winter Marjoram.
Hand of Hope: Samuel Alexander Armas
A picture began circulating in November. It should be "The Picture of the Year," or perhaps, "Picture of the Decade." It won't be. In fact, unless you obtained a copy of the paper, you probably will never see it.
Tracey Connelley, Baby P's Evil Mom, Shows NO Remorse
I have never been affected by any story as much as Baby P's story has affected me. Yesterday evening, I found myself sobbing twice! I just can't get over the sheer horror of the story.
Baby P's Murderers -- Why Are They Being Protected?
In my country, it has never happened before that the media and the people have been forbidden to actually reveal the names and faces of TC and SB, the murderers of Baby P.
That Winter The Wind Blows Finale: Did Oh Soo Die?
Over the holy week break, I spent the entire four days just watching the 15 episodes of this Korean show. Yes, I am a self-confessed Korean drama addict. I already have my favorite actors and actresses; albeit, I don’t know their names.
Sep 30, 2010
Obsessed with Breasts
That got your attention, right?
It was meant to. I am obsessed with breasts. - mine specifically. I am obsessed about these babies milk production capacity. Ever heard of women whose breasts produce a lot of milk that they are selling their milk on eBay? Have you heard of Chef Daniel whose wife produces a lot of milk that he decided to make cheese out of his wife's breast milk? Well, I'm not like them. This is why I am obsessed with breast milk. And I have never exposed my breasts as much as I have the past few days. And in the quest for breast milk, I haven't really thought about it.
The fact that I am writing about my breasts just shows how obsessed I am with breast milk production. I am a mother, god damn it! I refuse to believe that these appendages are meant only (Insert eyes rolling here).
We have been out of the hospital for about a week now. I have not been able to write or blog - although I have lots of things to write about. I specifically wanted to write about this Midwife who I met in the hospital. She was about 45 years old with short hair and on the heavy side. Okay, I'll say it, she was fat. (I was trying to be politically correct, darn it.) She was nice though.
Anyway, we started chatting about babies and children... She is married with three kids, I think. I don't know how it happened but fairly soon enough, she was telling me about her 26-year-old sex-mate. I even got her to show me his text messages, one of which said, "Babe, pwede ba matikman ang katawan mo?" I would have made a great poker player. I did not even bat an eyelash when I said, "Ano man po si simbag mo?"
Does she look like me? I think she kinda does. She has my eyebrows, my forehead, my ears - and yes, my nose (or at least they say so). I don't agree however. I have been staring at her for the past few days, trying to figure out where she got her nose. I have even asked Erbe several times if he's sure she's our baby. You see, she does not have a flat nose. I am cursed with one. Okay, I blame it on my genes and the fact that my grandfather managed to pass on his nose to us, his grandchildren, and even to his great grandchildren. Riley, however, does not have it. I think she must have been spared from the curse. :D
Sep 28, 2010
Shy Riley
Sep 20, 2010
The Day of Reckoning
I have been reading about my condition. Although I have not been officially diagnosed with symphysis pubis dysfunction, it seems to be the most rational explanation for this debilitating, intolerably painful condition. Unfortunately, I do not know whom to consult for this condition.
My former OB was pretty nonchalant about it. She just insisted on the cesarean section. Apparently, though, the condition resolves after delivery. However, there are people who never fully recover. I hope I am not one of them.
Anyway, with lots of reading, I have learned that vaginal delivery is not really advisable. There are horror stories everywhere - and I choose not to risk tearing up the ligaments once and for all. The best option is a c-section. I hope I can have the operation tomorrow.
With the doctor's permission, I will have myself confined this evening. Unfortunately, we called up earlier this morning and we were informed there is no room available. I hope we can get a room tonight. The pain is killing me. How painful is it? I can only compare it to a pound of flesh being slowly sliced into two. That's how painful it is.
I am okay as long as I don't move. Yes, it sucks. I am fortunate though that I have a very patient husband who loves me to pieces. He makes it all better.
Anyway, if things go well, I will have Riley with me tomorrow. I am very excited about that. We all are - Paige especially.
Sep 16, 2010
Random Post
I am feeling a little bit better though. I was able to go out of the house yesterday - after a week. It took me a week to get better.
I am also taking a break from work. This means pocketbooks, DVDs and the Internet. I need this before I get hacked open. :)
I am super excited about the baby. Erbe and I have bought the basics. I figured, I need to have them at hand in case I suddenly go into labor.
I am also changing my OB. I am scheduled to meet up with Che's OB on Monday.
Anyway, this blog entry reminds me of my diary entries back in 6th grade which basically goes like this -
7:20 Flag Raising Ceremony
7:30 English - I aced the test.
8:20 Recess - I saw G. He was with his friends. I saw him threw something on the trash can. I picked it up. It was a drawing of Ultraman.
9:30 Chinese - I really don't like my teacher. She's a fat cow!
10:30 History - We didn't do anything. Madam Gurobat was absent.
11:30 HOME for lunch. I hate Daddy. I really, really hate him. (yes, unfortunately, there were entries like this. *sigh* teenagers!)
Basically, this goes on and on and on and on... :)
So, anyway, here are the five things that made me happy during my suffering:

Sep 12, 2010
Sep 9, 2010
Sick But Funny Paige
We have both been stuck inside our room. She is with fever and I am suffering from symphysis pubis dysfunction. I am suffering, I swear. Every movement makes me want to weep. Every movement hurts. I feel a little bit better though after a few hours of sleep, but I still can't easily move. I walk like 110-year-old virgin woman. It takes forever to reach the bathroom which is normally about 5 steps away from our room. Now, it takes me several minutes to reach it.
Earlier, I was crying...again when suddenly Paige approached me and said, "Mama, hilingun mo udo ko."
And I started laughing when I saw her drawing -
She started doodling again and then she said, "Mama, hilingun mo atot ko"
After enjoying my laughter, she left again and started drawing again. Finally, she presented the last of her "funny but disgusting" series.
"Mama, hilingun mo wiwi ko."
Curiously, except for the butt, the images are different. :)
Here's a video of her being her usual makulit self.

Sep 6, 2010
Sep 5, 2010
Dirty Vagina
A couple of weeks ago, Mommy's helper, Alma (remind me to post her picture here one day), was suffering from stomach pains. This prompted a medical check-up and a urinalysis test. The test revealed that she had bacterial vaginosis and yeast infection.
Since she is also practically living with Mommy's "chicken grill boy" Boboy (remember him?) and enjoys nightly sex marathons, Mommy decided that she should get tested for pregnancy too.
I volunteered to buy the home pregnancy kit test since I was going out that day.
Mommy noticed that the patient's name section on the prescriptions, however, for the BV and yeast infection was left blank, so Mommy decided to put her name on the prescriptions and pass them off as hers.
She was gleeful about this. She was happy about the 20 percent discount she'd get for Alma's meds, but this didn't last long. She promptly changed her mood when I said, "Mama, ang iisipun po kang babakalan mo, maatiun ang buday mo."
That gave her a pause.
"Tapos iisipun ninda senior citizen ka na po tapos promiscuous ka pa giraray. Sabi kaya Mommy, women of multiple sexual partners get BV."
Mommy started frowning.
"Saka Mommy, they'd wonder how you can still get these vaginal diseases, dai ka naman childbearing age. They'd think nagreregla ka pa ma o dai ka nagpupupo!"
You can very well imagine my mother's reaction. Unfortunately, this prompted her to ask me to buy the medicines instead. She, however, was insistent on the 20% discount, so she gave me an authorization letter. You don't say no to your mother. That's the number one rule.
Later that evening, I was buying the medications. It was fine at first since I had the letter and senior citizen card and all. Until, I remembered I had to buy the Home Pregnancy Kit Test as well. Since, I already gave the prescriptions to the lady behind the counter, I had to practically shout for my additional purchase, "Ah, miss! Home Pregnancy Kit Test pa palan"
Everybody turned and looked at my bulging stomach. And I mean, BULGING stomach. It was only then that I realized what they must be thinking -
I gave out a laugh and joked, "Dai pa kaya ako sure."
36 Weeks Post
So, how many times have you visited my blog during the past few weeks?
It has been a while since I wrote anything. Truth be told, I didn’t feel like blogging. But I have just finished the movie, Letters to Juliet and I was inspired to write something – anything. You know, just write something not related to work. I miss that sometimes. I miss writing and not worry about my Grammar or my sentence constructions.
I’m on my 36th week of pregnancy now. By next week, I’d be in my full term of pregnancy and anytime from then on, I’d probably go into Labor – or not. Depending on whether the doctor thinks I should have a cesarean section. I do not rebel against the thought anymore though. I still want to have a normal delivery, but if that will put my life or the baby’s life at risk, I do not want to insist on it.
By now, pregnancy is getting even more difficult by the day. I think I am carrying a really large baby. My stomach literally moves from left to right every time she squirms or moves. Not surprisingly, doing any normal activity is really hard. What’s easy though is sleeping. God! I feel so tired and sleepy ALL THE TIME. Everything else is hard. The hardest though is getting up from the bed.
I have all sorts of aches and pains, but the vaginal pressure takes the lead. Okay, I wrote that. I said VAGINA. Deal with it. I read that it’s due to the baby’s position being very low or the fact that I’m carrying a huge baby. I think it’s probably both. I feel like I’m carrying a bowling ball between my legs. Imagine a ball attached to your private parts – yes, that’s how painful it is. And I didn’t have this with Paige.
We’ve finally come up with a name for the baby though. It’s Leigh Riley. I wanted a one-syllable first name for the baby, just like Paige. So, it’s Leigh. “Leigh” means delicate or meadow while “Riley” means courageous. I like the contrasting meanings. Erbe likes it too. My mother does not like the name “Riley” though. Oh well. Everybody has an opinion that is why Erbe and I agreed not to tell people, but you’re not people though – 3you’re anonymous faces who actually give a damn about this blog. Well, that’s what I think; otherwise you wouldn’t be here.
Sometimes, I wonder who you are though. Of course, I know Jinx, Luns, Tinay and yes, even P read this blog but I don’t know who else bothers… Oh, yeah, I used to have an avid reader – I don’t know though if she still bothers to read. I hope not. I don’t think she’s that pathetic.