Nov 13, 2008

Adult Diaper Story

Have you ever tried wearing an adult diaper?
Have you ever tried actually peeing on it?
I have!

I was watching the latest episode of Whatthebuck Show and he left this question --

Where was the weirdest place you urinated?

This brought to mind the time I actually wore an adult diaper. I was seven months pregnant. So, naturally, my urinary bladder was not in the best condition. I think I have never visited bathrooms and comfort rooms as much as I did during my second and last term of pregnancy.

Anyway, I was traveling from Manila to Naga at that time. I was worried about my urinary bladder and irate passengers. So, I decided to wear an adult diaper.
It was effing weird.

What's even weirder about it though was that I couldn't get myself to actually pee! At some point, I felt like I was going to burst but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't pee! How weird is that?! It's like my brain completely shut down. Perhaps, subconsciously, I felt like peeing there was disgusting. Needless to say, I suffered.

Anyway, I will leave it at this note. I'm being really disgusting.

By the way, did you happen to catch the Ms. Earth Beauty Pageant? Did you see this portion:
Question: If you get to meet Barack Obama, what will you tell him?
Ms. Brazil (It was Brazil, right?): Oh, I love Obama. I am happy that he win. (Yes, she said win.)
STUPID Interpreter: (Smiling at the audience) She said that she loves Obama and she is so happy that he won.

"Review My Post and Get Paid! Seriously!"

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