Nov 15, 2008

Naga City Supermarket After Fire

Apparently, there are still a lot of people who are curious about the Naga City Market Fire. Anyway, I was in the area so I decided to take a couple of pictures, but since it was too dark, I got bad ones. The whole place smells like smoke. A section of the second floor building was not burn and people are back in business. I saw my Kindergarten teacher who I introduced proudly to Erbe as my godmother. Fuck. She didn't say anything, but I was so embarrassed once I realized my mistake, but it was too late. Anyway, the burnt area has been cleared off debris.

By the way, I scored this bag for 50 pesos! Nice, huh??? My Kindergarten teacher wanted to buy it, but she couldn't make up her mind. When I saw it, I promptly paid for it. She must have called me a bitch in her mind a million times for stupidly mistaking her for my godmother and for stealing her bag. Damn.

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