One of them is having him right beside me to turn to whenever I have nightmares.
Before we got married, when I'd have nightmares, I'd immediately call him up on the phone and he'd spent a few minutes soothing me back to sleep.
Now, when I'd have nightmares, I could just immediately scoot over closer to him, have him wrap his arms around me, kiss my forehead and I'd immediately go back to sleep.
Those are just one of the millions reasons why I love being married to him.
By the way, forgive the mushy stories. I just love sharing all these things to his ex who's an avid reader of my blog as you all know. Who am I to disappoint?
2 Gorgeous People Said --:
LOL you're wickedly cool.No need to is your blog anyway :)
Have a great sunday!
You're bad ... that poor X --- I guess I know how she feels ... I stopped reading my x's GF's blog because I realized, why should I? I have my own life and my own friend ... why should I track how happy and miserable they are? So, I concentrate on my life.
Well, anyway ... that's really sweet of your husband ... and both of you are lucky to have each other and in love.
Keep that love alive :P
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